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Adding Integers with the Same Sign

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1 Adding Integers with the Same Sign

2 Warm Up -8 + (-1) = 5. -3 + (-7) = -48 + (-12) = 6. -32 + (-38) =
-8 + (-1) = (-7) = -48 + (-12) = (-38) = = (-105) = (-1500) = (-800) =

3 When adding integers with the same sign, add their absolute values and use the sign of the integers in the sum.

4 A football team has a loss of 3 yards on their first play and a loss of 11 yards on their second play. Express their total yards loss as an integer.

5 What do the following expressions have in common
What do the following expressions have in common? -7 + (-6) = = What is different about them? Hint: Use a number line to help you explain.


7 Exit Ticket -76 + (-124) = -12 + (-66) + (-48) =
A football team receives a 5 yard penalty on one play and a ten yard penalty on the next. Write a sum of negative integers to represent this situation. Eli had mini golf scores of -3, -4, and -3. What was his total score for the three rounds? Anna made withdrawals from her bank account of $60, $85, and $115. Write and solve an addition problem that shows her withdrawals as negative integers.

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