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By Mary, Nina, Ella , Francis

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1 By Mary, Nina, Ella , Francis
WW2 By Mary, Nina, Ella , Francis

2 Fashion The war put pressure on the clothes manufactures
60 coupons would mean that a man could buy 1 pair of socks every 4 months , 1 pair of shoes every 8 months,1 shirt every 20 months, 1 pair of trousers every 2 years,1 jacket every 2 years, 1 vest and 1 pair of pants every 2 years,1 waistcoat every 5 years, 1 pullover every 5 years and 1 overcoat every 7 years. In 1942 the government introduced the “utility” .Utility clothes were designed to save material. Fashion Facts 1 The war put pressure on the clothes manufactures 2 Clothes rationing was announced on the 1st of June 1941 3 Coupon allocations decreased as the war progressed 4 Extra coupons were given to children 5 Rationing encouraged individual ingenuity and creativity.

3 Food Rationing Rationing started in 1940 and lasted until 1954.
You had a certain amount of food like 50g of sugar 50g of fat and 50g of sweets per week. There was a local shop in every town/city were you could get food and drink. There was dried eggs , bacon, cheese , butter, margarine, lard, tea, sugar, jam, potatoes, bread and other meats. Shopping You could only buy items from shops or you would have to grow your own.

4 Crime The war created lots of opportunities for looters, conmen and other criminals. Bombed out houses were impossible to secure. So many people were being killed by bombs that it was also easier to cover up a murder. Rationing led to black market trades like meat, alcohol and clothing. The Blitz created many law and order problems, ranging from looting to murder.

5 Evacuation Many evacuees enjoyed helping on farms.
Some evacuees used hotels as their foster homes. At first many evacuees felt home sick. One welsh evacuee liked his foster home more then is own home. All foster homes were different, some had kind foster parents others were mean.

6 Currency farthing=1/4 penny crown=5 shillings
brass 3 pence shilling=12 pence half crown=2 ½ shillings £1 note=240 pence six pence Florin =2 shillings silver 3 pence penny half penny

7 Entertainment Entertainment played an important part in the war keeping every one happy, hopeful and informed. Cinema audiences grew from 20 million to 32 million making ‘going to the pictures’ the most popular form of entertainment during WW2. The radio kept people informed about what was happening in the war.

8 The Blitz The Blitz started in September 1940 and finished in May 1941. The blitz was the German's sustained aerial bombing campaign against Britain in ww2. The raids killed 43,000 civilians and lasted for eight months. Blitz is a German word for lightning.

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