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Jane Eyre Introduction.

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1 Jane Eyre Introduction

2 Adaptations Silent films Feature films Radio Television Theatre
Literature inspired by the novel Sequels Re-workings[edit] Re-tellings[edit] Prequels[edit] Spin-offs[edit] Re-tellings from another character's point of view

3 A Groundbreaking Novel
The heroine is small, plain, & poor The heroine is the first female character to claim the right to feel strongly about her emotions and ?act on her convictions This romantic ground had previously been reserved for males Such a psychologically complex heroine had never been created before

4 Many Books in One

5 Bildungsroman Bil·dungs·ro·man Noun
A novel that considers the development (psychological/spiritual) of a person from childhood to maturity, to the point at which the protagonist recognizes his/her place and role in the world From The Bedford Glossary of Critical and Literary Terms, 2nd Ed.

6 Thematic Concepts The various natures of love
Female independence in a world where women are made to be dependent on men Forgiveness The effect of money on happiness The effect of religious belief on social conduct

7 Focus on Setting Jane Eyre makes particularly powerful and complex uses of setting, which it intertwines with plot, characterization, and, of course, symbolism and imagery. The setting of the story is carefully divided into five distinct locales, each of which has its particular significance in Jane's history and each of which is like an act in a five-act drama. (R.B. Martin) Each of these settings has its own characteristic tone Setting also relates to characterization as well, since many of the novel's principal figures exist intimately related to the homes and landscapes in which we come upon them.

8 Charlotte Brontë Infographics

9 Autobiography born in Thornton, west of Bradford in the West Riding of Yorkshire Parents: Rev. Patrick Brontë + Maria Siblings: Maria (1814), Elizabeth (1815), Branwell (1817), Emily (1818), Anne (1820)

10 The Brontë family were very artistic and creative
The Brontë family were very artistic and creative. Three of the sisters were published authors, which was unheard of at the time.

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