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Catholics and going to church

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1 Catholics and going to church

2 LEARNING GOALS Understand ways in which individuals can belong to the church Analyze the way in which individuals involvement in the church affects the society in which we live

3 Catholics and going to church
Surveys show that Catholics belong to the Church in a variety of ways: Some belong heart and soul to the Church and its way of living the mystery of God. They participate each Sunday, are attentive to feast days, and help with social outreach.

4 Catholics and going to church

5 Catholics and going to church
Others belong but do not participate in any real manner. They declare themselves Catholic and hold onto many of the Church's beliefs, but they are busy and feel no need to support the Church by taking part in its Sunday worship and its activities. They want the Church to be there when their child is baptized, or when they get married, or when someone dies. They maintain a private spirituality and tailor the Church to meet their needs.

6 Catholics and going to church

7 Catholics and going to church
Still others want the Church to be there and would find it a real loss if the Church were to disappear, but they have no need or desire to be part of sustaining it. That's for others, not for them. Society pays a price for the growing lack of participation in institutions. The price is a feeling of isolation and a loss of a sense of belonging. Strong institutions are part of the health of a society.

8 Catholics and going to church

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