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Russian Revolution Beginning of Trouble.

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Presentation on theme: "Russian Revolution Beginning of Trouble."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russian Revolution Beginning of Trouble

2 Building Russian Industry
Alexander III & son Nicholas II: focused on economic development Count Serge Witte- RR building to transport iron/coal across Russia

3 Building Russian Industry
B. Industrialization leads to problems Flocked to cities, long hours, low pay, slums, poverty, disease C. Karl Marx- author of Communism

4 War w/ Japan (1904) A. Russia suffered defeat after defeat = protest against corrupt govt.

5 Bloody Sunday George Gapon (1905): Organized peace march
Czar not there- troops shot leaving hundreds dead **Killed people’s faith & trust in czar

6 Revolution of 1905 Strikes multiplied- targeted officials
October Manifesto- people’s freedoms Agreed to summon a Duma: no law into effect w/o it Peter Stolypin new prime minister Arrests/executions to restore order

7 End of the Monarchy Impact of WWI- ran out of guns/ammo 2 million casualties Alexandra & Rasputin: a “holy man” who had great influence over the czarina

8 End of the Romanovs Battlefield Disasters: fuel/food shortages brought collapse Duma- fatal mistake: didn’t pull Russia out of WWI

9 End of the Romanovs 3. Soviets: revolutionaries, council of workers, soldiers 4. Bolsheviks: radical socialist group took charge, Lenin **Royal family last to rule Russia

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