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Business Administration 466 Lecture 1 Notes

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1 Business Administration 466 Lecture 1 Notes
What is a Network? A network can be defined as two or more entities connected to each other through a medium A computer network can then be defined as two or more computers connected together to work cooperatively The term “computer network” is giving way to “network of devices” smartphones… digital wallets? Drew Parker September 2006

2 Business Administration 466 Lecture 1 Notes
Data Networks Local Area Networks Small, low cost connection of PCs (possibly with larger machines) 3Com, Intel, Novell, Microsoft, and Linux are major players in providing hardware and/or software Wide Area Networks Across geographical boundaries Expensive, mission critical connections for businesses and communications companies The Internet, private corporate data networks Drew Parker September 2006

3 The Internet It actually evolved over a long, long time…

4 Telegraph Samuel F. B. Morse received a patent in 1838
Hence the name Morse code The first message was sent from Washington to Baltimore on 24th of May 1844 Western Union Telegraph & Co was founded in 1856 Morse code was dropped as a US Navy communication medium in 1998

5 Transatlantic Cable London was still world financial centre in the mid 1800s Peabody & Company (predecessor of J. P. Morgan & Company) funded a project to lay the first transatlantic cable for telegraph Started in 1856, completed 1858 Queen Victoria’s congratulatory message to President Buchanan took 16 hours to transmit Three weeks later the cable broke A more reliable cable was laid in 1866 between St. Johns, Newfoundland and Valentia, Ireland Immensely useful business tool

6 Telephone Charles Bourseul had the original idea of transmitting sound over electric waves 1876 Alexander Graham Bell patented his telephone He asked Western Telegraph Company to buy his patent for $100,000: "What shall we do with a toy like that?"

7 Wireless Friedrich Hertz discovered the electromagnetic wave in 1888
Wireless was born Guglielmo Marchese Marconi 
exploited this discovery 1901 he bridged the Atlantic with his wireless telegraphy

8 Bell Labs Lucent Bell labs is the springboard of many of today’s communications (and computer) technologies “Its employees have generated more than 40,000 inventions since The average home contains at least 25 products that stem from Bell Labs innovations, including phones, TVs, remote controls, VCRs, radios, stereos, CD players, and computers”

9 Transistors 1947 Bell labs invented the transistor
Some team members left Bell Labs and founded Fairchild semiconductor Gordon Moore, Robert Noyce left Fairchild in 1967 to found Intel Gordon Moore made a famous prediction in 1965 “the doubling of transistors every couple of years“ Now known as Moore’s Law

10 Newer Technologies Yet
Satellites were developed in the 1960s for communication purposes Optical fiber in 1966 (use of light to transmit data) 1995: Nortel has a ‘proof of concept’ school in the United Kingdom that runs packets over electricity transmission lines

11 DARPANET (WAN) DARPANET, Interface Message Processors (later know as routers), and TCP/IP were invented First attempt at data networking

12 Evolution of the Internet Itself
1969: First IP packet sent 1969: ArpaNET commissioned by US DOD 1973: England and Norway Join 1981: BITNET emerges at CUNY 1983: Domain Names were invented 1986: NSFNet created

13 Evolution of the Internet Itself
1990: First web server online 1991: Commercial Access 1993: Mosaic hits WWW 1994: Yahoo arrives 1994: NREN established 1995: eBay, Amazon and Craigslist 1995: Commercial ‘Ownership’ 1995: August 9 – Netscape IPO 1996: Governmental Control Issues Emerge

14 Evolution of the Internet Itself
1996: Intranets Emerge 1996/1997: Extranets Appear 1997: Birth of Internet2 Back to its roots Research Institutions Pulling Out 1998: Google’s IPO 2000: Dot Com Fiasco 2001: First Wikipedia entry 2003: Friendster 2004: Web 2.0

15 The PC Revolution Microsoft was founded in 1975
“A PC on every desk and in every home” The proliferation of PCs gave the world an access device Now it is a matter of connecting them

16 Novell The company that brought the world Novell Netware
Local Area Networks were born

17 Telecom Deregulation and new forms of competition has changed the industry significantly Convergence is finally starting in earnest Telephone Mobile Phone Television Internet Access

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