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Energy in the Atmosphere

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2 Energy in the Atmosphere

3 Heat

4 Wind

5 Water in the Atmosphere

6 Precipitation

7 Key Terms

8 Energy in the Atmosphere Water in the Atmosphere
Wind Precipitation Key Terms $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW  ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

9 1-100 Sunburns are caused by this . $100

10 What is ultraviolet radiation?
What is ultraviolet radiation? $100

11 This is the reflection of light in all directions.
1-200 This is the reflection of light in all directions. $200

12 1-200A What is scattering? $200

13 1-300 This is the natural process by which heat is held by gases in the atmosphere. $300

14 What is the greenhouse effect?
What is the greenhouse effect? $300

15 This wavelength of visible light has the longest wavelenght.
1-400 This wavelength of visible light has the longest wavelenght. $400

16 1-400A What is red? $400

17 This is the colors of the rainbow from longest wavelength to shortest.
1-500 This is the colors of the rainbow from longest wavelength to shortest. $500

18 What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet?
What is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet? $500

19 This type of heat you get from a car engine, a fireplace or the sun.
2-100 This type of heat you get from a car engine, a fireplace or the sun. $100

20 2-100A What is radiation? $100

21 2-200 This type of heat you get from an electric blanket or holding hands with someone. $200

22 2-200A What is conduction? $200

23 This type of heat makes a hot air balloon work.
2-300 This type of heat makes a hot air balloon work. $300

24 2-300A What is convection? $300

25 This is the degree in Celsius that water freezes.
2-400 This is the degree in Celsius that water freezes. $400

26 2-400A What is 0⁰? $400

27 This is the degree in Fahrenheit that water boils.
2-500 This is the degree in Fahrenheit that water boils. $500

28 2-500A What is 212⁰? $500

29 The increased cooling that a wind can cause is known as this.
3-100 The increased cooling that a wind can cause is known as this. $100

30 What is a wind-chill factor?
What is a wind-chill factor? $100

31 Winds that blow over short distances are known as this.
3-200 Winds that blow over short distances are known as this. $200

32 3-200A What is local winds? $200

33 3-300 A local wind that blows from an ocean or a lake towards the land is known as this. $300

34 3-300A What is a sea breeze? $300

35 3-400 A wind current about 30° to 60⁰ north and south of the equator that blows from west to east. $400

36 What are prevailing westerlies?
What are prevailing westerlies? $400

37 These are the two calm bands of wind that wrap around the earth.
3-500 These are the two calm bands of wind that wrap around the earth. $500

38 What is the horse latitudes and doldrums?
What is the horse latitudes and doldrums? $500

39 This is the temperature at which condensation begins.
4-100 This is the temperature at which condensation begins. $100

40 4-100A What is dew point? $100

41 4-200 This is the percent of water vapor actually in the air compared to the amount the air can hold at a particular temperature. $200

42 What is relative humidity?
What is relative humidity? $200

43 These clouds is also known as a "thunderhead" and causes bad weather.
4-300 These clouds is also known as a "thunderhead" and causes bad weather. $300

44 4-300A What is cumulonimbus? $300

45 The stem nimbus or nimbo means this.
4-400 The stem nimbus or nimbo means this. $400

46 4-400A What is rain? $400

47 This part of the water cycle produces clouds.
4-500 This part of the water cycle produces clouds. $500

48 4-500A What is condensation? $500

49 5-100 Cloud droplets or ice crystals must grow heavy enough to fall through the air for this to occur. $100

50 5-100A What is precipitation. $100

51 This is an open-ended can or tube that collects rainfall..
5-200 This is an open-ended can or tube that collects rainfall.. $200

52 5-200A What is a rain gauge? $200

53 5-300 Precipitation that is frozen before hitting the ground is known as this. $300

54 5-300A What is sleet? $300

55 5-400 This is a natural or man-made barrier that holds a river inside its banks. $400

56 5-400A What is a levee? $400

57 Rain, Mist, Cloud, Drizzle, Hail
5-500 Place the following droplets types in order from smallest to largest. Rain, Mist, Cloud, Drizzle, Hail $500

58 Cloud, Mist, Drizzle, Rain, and Hail?
What is, Cloud, Mist, Drizzle, Rain, and Hail? $500

59 Name the three main types of clouds.
6-100 Name the three main types of clouds. $100

60 What are cirrus, cumulus and stratus?
What are cirrus, cumulus and stratus? $100

61 This is a long period of little or no rainfall.
6-200 This is a long period of little or no rainfall. $200

62 6-200A What is drought? $200

63 6-300 These are winds that blow from a specific direction over a long distance. $300

64 6-300A What are global winds? $300

65 This is an instrument used to measure wind speed.
6-400 This is an instrument used to measure wind speed. $400

66 6-400A What is an anemometer? $400

67 6-500 This is caused by the Earth’s rotation and makes winds appear to curve. $500

68 What is the Coriolis Effect?
What is the Coriolis Effect? $500

69 Final Jeopardy Coriolis Effect

70 Explain the Coriolis Effect in full detail
Explain the Coriolis Effect in full detail. Be sure to explain how the Earth’s rotation affects this.

71 Contestants: Please put down your writing tools and wait for further instructions.

72 What is; the Earth’s rotation causes winds to appear to curve around the Earth. They are actually straight, but the Earth’s rotation makes them appear to curve.

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