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Developing a Sustainability and Transformation Plan

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1 Developing a Sustainability and Transformation Plan
Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire working together.

2 Background What is the STP? A new approach to planning health and care services across England bringing together local organisations to develop a 5 year plan that delivers the aims of the NHS Five Year Forward Why? Rising demand for services from an ageing population, at a time of ongoing funding constraint, is a significant challenge. What does it mean? In order to continue providing high quality services in the future we need a different approach to planning and delivery of services, working together across organisational boundaries and with our population What will it achieve? Improve the health and wellbeing of local people Improve the quality of local health and care services Deliver financial stability and balance throughout the local health care system

3 The case for change The local picture
Demand for services continues to increase At the same time our combined financial position is not in balance In 2015/16 total expenditure was approximately £72 million above available budget If we carry on as we are this is expected to continue rising to over £400 million by 2020/21 Over the same period Local Authority budgets are expected to reduce by 35% We can’t afford to meet this increasing demand by simply doing more of the same

4 Our emerging thinking and vision
The start of our journey We will deliver care consistently and at scale as part of a fundamental change in the way we respond to demand. We will remain responsive to individuals and local communities and ensure appropriate care and support in the right place at the right time. We will ensure parity is a golden thread running through the whole of health and social care provision.

5 Key principles Five key drivers that will enable us to develop and implement a sustainable health and care system for our population;

6 Prevention, early intervention and self care
A journey of transformation starts with people in families and communities. Five principles of the new model: Resource Enable Align Innovate Partnership

7 Integrated primary and community care
Person centred, co-ordinated care The key elements of the new model would be: Sustainable primary care at scale Integrated cluster-based care and support An integrated health and care single point of access

8 Acute care collaboration
A whole system approach for both mental and physical health care services Based on a collaborative provider model, supported by a single commissioning approach using the following principles: Eliminate variation Reduce reliance on acute inpatient services Acute hospital resources supporting the wider health and care system We have identified four major network streams Best use of hospital capacity Effective clinical pathways Specialist services and networks Sustainable services at Weston General Hospital

9 Next steps The work we have undertaken to date has given us a good idea of where we are now and where we need to be We are now in the process of refining this early work. We expect to be able to share a more detailed plan before the end of the year. There will be opportunities for local people and other stakeholders to contribute to the plans before they are formally agreed.

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