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Section : A Tumultuous Year

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1 Section 4 1968: A Tumultuous Year
Chapter 22 Section 4 1968: A Tumultuous Year

2 Tet Offensive Turns the War
Jan. 30, Vietcong launch attack on over 100 towns in S. Vietnam and 12 American bases Attacked U.S. embassy in Saigon Vietcong loses 32,000 and US/ARVN 3,000 Results in widening of credibility gap Westmoreland says we’re winning!

3 Tet Changes Public Opinion
Mainstream media criticizes the war Citizens become doves Secretary of State McNamara resigns and is replaced by Clark Clifford LBJ loses support Credibility gap

4 Loss and Rage Eugene McCarthy enters 1968 presidential election and vows to end war March 31, LBJ announced a policy change- seek negotiations to end war and allow S. Vietnamese to play larger role. Also, he will drop out of elections.

5 Violence and Protest April 4, MLK assassinated
June 5, Robert Kennedy assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan Students protest across nation

6 Turbulent Race Democratic Convention in Chicago
McCarthy v. Hubert Humphrey SDS leader Hayden wants to adopt an antiwar platform Yippies (Youth International Party)- violence Protesters in downtown park are beaten and sprayed with mace Delegates inside the convention argue

7 Nixon Triumphs Richard Nixon, Republican candidate for 1968 election
Promises to restore law and order Kind of promised to end Vietnam war George Wallace, governor of Alabama, joins as 3rd party candidate. School segregation States’ rights “white backlash” candidate


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