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The East Kent hospital CCOT Angela Hall May 2018

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1 The East Kent hospital CCOT Angela Hall May 2018
We’ve always done it this way- Is it time to explore new ways of sharing information? The East Kent hospital CCOT Angela Hall May 2018

2 How the EKHUFT CCOT developed new ways of sharing information

3 Traditional communication
Usually involves communicating with staff during ‘office hours’ Meetings Newsletters Traditional wys of communicating usually involve activities held during Monday- Friday 9-5 However, there are some problems with relying solely on this type of communication: not everyone who you want to communicate is available at these times Working patterns have changed More staff are working to cover 24hr 7 day service, that means that they don’t always access information – they do’t attend meetings, many ward staff can’t be spared to attend meetings or training sessions, not everyone opens s or reads them The CCOT began to realise that we were not able to each all the staff we wanted to communicate with so, we sat down and had a think about how we could improve our communication

4 Our aims Raise awareness of what the team does
Recognise and reward good practice Advertise when we hold training sessions Raise awareness of campaigns sepsis - deteriorating patient

5 Questions we asked Who are we communicating with
Is the medium we communicate with important What mediums are there for communicating what can we do that is free

6 Why we use social media People use social media It’s a powerful tool
Visual images sell We can control our information Build an image/ brand

7 So how successful is social media
996 regular followers on facebook 449 followers on twitter We can communicate 24/7 We communicate beyond the Trust We use the accounts for different purposes

8 influencing DAL 2917 reached Alice 2450 reached

9 2 way learning

10 christmas

11 Sepsis star 3.5k views and career opportunities

12 campaigns Sound bites for Safer Care 13, 500k views

13 24hrs

14 Fab change day 4.5 k reached

15 Other tools for sharing Blog- free to use wordpress, You tube Whats app


17 During sepsis week 13 Sept 2018 20,000 views 200 face to face conversations

18 Kahoot making learning fun
Get out your phone! Google find Log in with the number… Put in your game name You’re ready to play

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