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Muscular System Notes Functions and Organs.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular System Notes Functions and Organs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular System Notes Functions and Organs

2 What are the functions of muscular system?
#1: The muscular system creates movement by pulling on bones.

3 What are the functions of muscular system?
#2: The muscular system circulates blood throughout your body through your heart since your heart is a muscle!

4 What are the functions of muscular system?
#3: The muscular system moves food through your digestive system, since your intestines are made of muscle tissue.

5 What are the organs of muscular system?

6 How do muscles move? Muscles can only move your body by contracting and relaxing. Contract- pulling Relax- releasing Contracted Muscle Cell Relaxed Muscle Cell

7 How do muscles work together?
All muscles work in pairs. As one muscle contracts the opposite muscle relaxes.


9 Can we control all our muscles?
NO! There are 2 types of muscles. Voluntary: Muscles we can control on our own. Involuntary: Muscles that we can not control.

10 What are voluntary muscles?
Skeletal muscle is voluntary muscle because we have the ability to control it. Examples: Running/Walking Typing Lifting weights What are voluntary muscles?

11 What are involuntary muscles?
Cardiac and Smooth muscle is involuntary muscle because we do NOT have the ability to control it. Examples: Heart Beat Digesting Food

12 Processing Questions Name a voluntary muscle action.
Name an involuntary muscle action. Muscles can only _____ and _____ .

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