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Quality Criteria for Cultural Competence Trainings

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Criteria for Cultural Competence Trainings"— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Criteria for Cultural Competence Trainings
Sunita Mutha, MD University of California, San Francisco Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations October 19, 2010

2 “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”

3 Benefits of Standards Consistency across geography and systems
Improved quality of curriculum Increased access to resources and materials Ability to assess outcomes

4 Drawbacks of Standards
“Death by committee?” Feasibility of finding common ground “Cookbook” approach Responsiveness as populations changes

5 3 Core Elements Awareness and attitudes Knowledge Skills
Link to disparities Knowledge Health care disparities Contributing factors Role of communication Skills Communication Research

6 Cultural Competence vs Diversity
Differ in Intent Context Content Appropriate trainer

7 Trainer Criteria Appropriate messenger Knowledge of content
-evidence-guided -outcome focused Facilitation skills -challenging, but not antagonistic -fosters discussion, not defensiveness -able to engage diverse audience


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