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Second Semester Review

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1 Second Semester Review

2 Belief System Latin American Africa Middle East Asia Misc. 1 2 3 4 5

3 Follows the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path
Belief System- 1 Follows the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path

4 Belief System- 1 Buddhism

5 Belief System- 2 Believes the ultimate goal in life is to attain moksha and become one with the universe

6 Belief System- 2 Hinduism

7 Belief System- 3 Believes in strict laws, harsh punishments and the state is the ultimate authority

8 Belief System - 3 Legalism

9 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in
Belief System- 4 Judaism, Islam, and Christianity share a belief in

10 Belief System- 4 monotheism

11 Belief System- 5 Not concerned with bringing order to human affairs, but seek harmony with nature

12 Belief System- 5 Daoism

13 Individuals that is a descendent of European & African parents
Latin American - 1 Individuals that is a descendent of European & African parents

14 Latin American - 1 Mullatoes

15 led a successful slave revolt against the French in Haiti
Latin American - 2 led a successful slave revolt against the French in Haiti

16 Toussaint L’Ouverture
Latin American - 2 Toussaint L’Ouverture

17 Latin American - 3 During the colonial period, which group was considered the top of Latin American society?

18 Latin American - 3 Peninsulares

19 Latin American - 4 an economic system that granted land and all of the people living on that land to a Spaniard by the king

20 Latin American - 4 Encomienda system

21 Latin American - 5 One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simon Bolivar, and Jose de San Martin are similar is that they

22 led independence movements
Latin American - 5 led independence movements

23 Africa- 1 Hero of the black South African cause who was imprisoned for 27 years before becoming that nations first black president.

24 Africa- 1 Nelson Mandela

25 Why was Africa called “the dark continent”

26 it remained largely unexplored until the 1820’s
Africa - 2 it remained largely unexplored until the 1820’s

27 Africa - 3 The colonial trade route between Europe, the New World and Africa in which goods were exchanged for slaves was called

28 Africa - 3 Triangular Trade

29 Africa - 4 The policy that controlled and divided South African society through a set of race-based laws

30 Africa - 4 Apartheid

31 What was the goal of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
Africa - 5 What was the goal of the Berlin Conference of ?

32 To create rules for trade and the colonization of Africa

33 Middle East- 1 What action taken by Saddam Hussein led to the First Persian Gulf War in 1990 – 1991?

34 Middle East- 1 his invasion of Kuwait.

35 Middle East- 2 After World War I, Palestine was held as a mandate under which European power?

36 Middle East- 2 Britain

37 Middle East- 3 What year was Israel granted statehood and recognized by the U.S. and the Soviet Union?

38 Middle East- 3 1948

39 Middle East- 4 What nationalist movement called for the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine?

40 Middle East- 4 Zionism

41 What does OPEC stand for?
Middle East- 5 What does OPEC stand for?

42 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
Middle East- 5 Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

43 What method did Gandhi use to bring about independence in India?
Asia- 1 What method did Gandhi use to bring about independence in India?

44 Asia- 1 Civil Disobedience

45 Asia- 2 What famous monument did Shah Jahan have built in honor and memory of his wife?

46 Asia- 2 Taj Mahal

47 Asia- 3 What product did Britain use in order to force open the Chinese market?

48 Asia- 3 Opium

49 Asia- 4 What movement began by Mao in 1966 channeled the rebelliousness of China’s youth against those Mao felt were threatening his power or losing their enthusiasm for the Communist Revolution?

50 Asia- 4 Cultural Revolution

51 Asia- 5 The Boxer Rebellion and the work of Sun Yat-sen (Sun Yixian) are most closely associated with

52 Rise of nationalism in China
Asia- 5 Rise of nationalism in China

53 The Korean War was caused by what?
Miscellaneous - 1 The Korean War was caused by what?

54 North Korea’s invasion of South Korea
Miscellaneous - 1 North Korea’s invasion of South Korea

55 Miscellaneous - 2 In 1989, thousands of people were injured or killed when the Chinese government ordered troops and tanks to break-up a pro-democracy rally, which is referred to as

56 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Miscellaneous - 2 Tiananmen Square Massacre

57 Miscellaneous - 3 Who led the Red Army to victory in establishing a Communist state in China?

58 Miscellaneous - 3 Mao Zedong

59 Miscellaneous - 4 Believes anyone can attain enough wisdom to break from the cycle of life and death.

60 Miscellaneous - 4 Buddhism

61 Promotes the caste system in society
Miscellaneous - 5 Promotes the caste system in society

62 Miscellaneous - 5 Hinduism

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