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In the Iberian Peninsula

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1 In the Iberian Peninsula
Julia Lacasa 4C Roman Aqueducts In the Iberian Peninsula

2 Romans are coming! The romans arrived to the Iberian Peninsula in 218bC during the 2nd punic war against the Carthaginians. Carthago Nova Tarraco (Rome) Ampurias (Greece)

3 Conquered Hispania Once they won, romans advanced from east to west fighting with local inhabitants for two centuries.

4 Roman Cities Roman cities were very well designed. They had lot of services like Temples, Theatres, Amphitheatres, Baths, Bridges and Aqueducts

5 Aqueducts An Aqueduct is an artificial channel build with bricks and used to have a clear water supply for the city. The most important aqueduct in Spain is in Segovia. Built by Emperor Trajano in 2nd century, it is17km long.

6 Aqueducts Another example is Los Milagros Aqueduct in Mérida (Emerita Augusta),built in 1st century.

7 Julia Lacasa 4C Thank You!

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