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Titanic Unit Vocabulary

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Presentation on theme: "Titanic Unit Vocabulary"— Presentation transcript:

1 Titanic Unit Vocabulary

2 Accurate Definition: correct in all details; exact.
1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

3 Argument Definition: an exchange of opposing views; a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right and wrong 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

4 Author’s bias Definition: an opinion or point of view based on author’s experience, culture, gender, race, etc 1.) Use the word in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

5 Cite Definition: quote (a passage, book or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

6 Claim Definition: to state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof 1.) Use the word in a sentence that is free of grammatical errors.

7 Credible Definition: able to believe; convincing
1.) Use in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

8 evidence Definition: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

9 Logical Definition: characterized by, or capable of clear, sound reasoning 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

10 persuade Definition: cause someone to do something through reasoning or argument; to convince 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

11 Relevant evidence Definition: has the tendency to make the fact more or less probable than it would be without the evidence 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

12 Irrelevant evidence Definition: evidence which does not support the facts at hand 1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

13 Sound reasoning Definition: reasoning that makes sense
1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

14 Support Definition: hold up; give assistance to
1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

15 trace Definition: to find or discover by investigation
1.) Use the word correctly in a sentence free of grammatical errors.

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