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Form 3 Form teachers: Miss Allen (Monday + Tuesday) and Miss Etherington (Thursday – Friday) TA: Miss Elcock and Ms Dore.

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Presentation on theme: "Form 3 Form teachers: Miss Allen (Monday + Tuesday) and Miss Etherington (Thursday – Friday) TA: Miss Elcock and Ms Dore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Form 3 Form teachers: Miss Allen (Monday + Tuesday) and Miss Etherington (Thursday – Friday) TA: Miss Elcock and Ms Dore

2 Why are we meeting? General introduction for the beginning of the autumn term. Important information for the rest of the school year. Any questions you may have.

3 The Year 3 Curriculum Core Subjects: English Mathematics Science
Computing RE

4 The Year 3 Curriculum History Geography
PE – taught by class teacher and dance coach Art & DT

5 This Year's Topics Autumn Term
Cross curricular project: Ancient Egyptians This term English, geography, history, art and DT will be taught throughout our project the Ancient Egyptians. During this project we will look at the importance of the River Nile, the pyramids and the gods. We will look at the process of mummification and explore some Egyptian myths and fairy tales. We will also learn about the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb. Project links will be made wherever it is appropriate to maths, science, computing and RE but these subjects will mainly be covered by stand alone topics.

6 Maths: addition and subtraction (number facts to 10, 20 and 100), multiplication and division (2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables), 3D shapes, time (telling the time with increasing accuracy to the nearest 5 minutes), place value and finding the difference. English: report writing, facts retrieval and research, instructions, myths, fairy tales, riddles, diary entries and newspaper reports. Science: Rocks and Soils R.E: ‘What is the Bible’s big story and what does it reveal about having faith in God?’

7 Class Rules We walk silently around the school
Golden Rules We walk silently around the school We listen to all adults. We are kind and helpful We are gentle We are honest We work hard We know how to keep ourselves and others safe We look after property

8 Uniform School uniform must be worn at all times.
Please label ALL of your child’s clothes – laundry markers are best! Please check leaflet for more details.

9 PE Form 3 Wednesdays for dance Thursdays for P.E.
Children will need their P.E. kit in on both days. (White t-shirt with red trim, white shorts, red tracksuit trousers, white plimsols

10 Mornings Children line up when the bell goes at 8.55am. It is important that your child is on time so they have the best possible start to their day. Miss Allen or Miss Etherington comes down to the playground to pick the children up. Please call/ the office and teacher if someone else is coming to collect your child.

11 Homework Maths and English homework will be given out on Friday (to be returned the following Wednesday). Weekly spellings will also be given out for the children to learn on a Friday with a spelling test taking place the following Friday. Spanish homework will be given out on a Thursday (after their lesson) to be returned by Monday. The homework is normally a follow up of something they have done in class and so should be suitably challenging for your child. If it is too difficult or they are spending longer than half an hour doing it, please write a note to that effect in their homework book. Children are expected to read at home every evening and return their reading books on their allocated day.

12 Healthy Lunches Children bringing a packed lunch to school should bring a healthy selection of food. No sweets No chocolate No nuts

13 School Trips Trips are often arranged in connection with what ever the children are learning about. Occasionally (but rarely!) a contribution is required, without these contributions the trip can not take place. Please ensure that you return the permission slips at the bottom of the letters – otherwise your child will not be able to go. If you are able to volunteer please indicate on the form- parents are selected on a first come first serve basis. Children always wear their school uniform on trips.

14 Queries Should you wish to speak to us please to make an appointment. If you are ing to inform us of something related to your child please send to both of us or cc in the other teacher. In the morning please let us know if anyone else will be collecting your child – unless you have told us directly, we can not let your child go. If your child needs to take medicine during the day it must be taken to the office and a permission slip completed.

15 Chapel As usual, you are more than welcome to join us for the Friday morning chapel service. Service starts at 9.15 and normally ends at 9.45 am.

16 Does anyone have any questions?

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