Chapter 6 Vocabulary.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Vocabulary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Vocabulary

2 grouping of nouns that share the same endings
declension grouping of nouns that share the same endings 1st 2nd 3rd nominative genitive nominative genitive nominative genitive -a, -ae -us, -i -r, -is -r, -i -x, -is feminine masculine masculine or feminine

3 Cases tell the part of speech of the noun nominative - subject
genitive - possession; 's or of . . . dative - indirect object accusative - direct object ablative - object of the preposition

4 All Latin noun declensions are identified by the nominative and genitive endings

5 pater, patris nominative genitive

6 father 3rd declension masculine

7 mater, matris genitive nominative

8 mother 3rd declension feminine

9 ancilla, ancillae nominative genitive

10 slave woman 1st declension feminine

11 cibus, cibi nominative genitive

12 food 2nd declension masculine

13 aqua, aquae nominative genitive

14 water 1st declension feminine

15 surgo, surgere

16 to get up, rise

17 observo, observāre

18 to watch

19 purgo, purgāre

20 to clean

21 coquo, coquere

22 to cook

23 porto, portāre

24 to carry

25 reprehendo, reprehendere

26 to scold, blame

27 doceo, docēre

28 to teach

29 curo, curāre

30 to look after, take care of

31 adiuvo, adiuvāre

32 to help

33 necesse est

34 it is necessary

35 lucet

36 it is light, it is day

37 nondum

38 not yet

39 etiam

40 also, even

41 neque

42 and not

43 tamen

44 however

45 omnes

46 all

47 mox

48 soon, presently

49 nunc

50 now

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