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SP3 Chp. 4 Vocabulary A Primera Vista #2

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Presentation on theme: "SP3 Chp. 4 Vocabulary A Primera Vista #2"— Presentation transcript:

1 SP3 Chp. 4 Vocabulary A Primera Vista #2

2 la armonía harmony

3 el comportamiento behavior

4 el conflicto conflict

5 la explicación explanation

6 el malentendido misunderstanding

7 la pelea fight

8 acusar to accuse

9 colaborar to collaborate

10 criticar to criticize

11 estar equivocado, -a to be mistaken

12 ignorar to ignore

13 pedir perdón to ask for forgiveness

14 perdonar to forgive

15 ponerse de acuerdo to reach an agreement

16 reaccionar to react

17 to become friends again, reconcile
reconciliarse to become friends again, reconcile

18 reconocer to admit, recognize

19 resolver to resolve

20 la diferencia de opinión
difference of opinion

21 hacer caso a to pay attention / obey

22 hacer las paces to make peace (with)

23 Ojalá I wish, I hope

24 pensar en sí mismo(a) to think of oneself

25 ¡Qué va! No way!

26 tener la culpa to be guilty

27 ¡Yo no fui! It was not me!


29 la armonía harmony

30 el comportamiento behavior

31 el conflicto conflict

32 la explicación explanation

33 el malentendido misunderstanding

34 la pelea fight

35 acusar to accuse

36 colaborar to collaborate

37 criticar to criticize

38 estar equivocado, -a to be mistaken

39 ignorar to ignore

40 pedir perdón to ask for forgiveness

41 perdonar to forgive

42 ponerse de acuerdo to reach an agreement

43 reaccionar to react

44 to become friends again, reconcile
reconciliarse to become friends again, reconcile

45 reconocer to admit, recognize

46 resolver to resolve

47 la diferencia de opinión
difference of opinion

48 hacer caso a to pay attention / obey

49 hacer las paces to make peace (with)

50 Ojalá I wish, I hope

51 pensar en sí mismo(a) to think of oneself

52 ¡Qué va! No way!

53 tener la culpa to be guilty

54 ¡Yo no fui! It was not me!

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