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Opera Logistics -Y- Musical Performance Integration Application (OLYMPIA) FINISHED!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Opera Logistics -Y- Musical Performance Integration Application (OLYMPIA) FINISHED!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opera Logistics -Y- Musical Performance Integration Application (OLYMPIA)

2 Introduction Light Control Supertitles Special Effects Trap Door
Opera staging includes many complex logistical elements: Light Control Supertitles Special Effects Trap Door Backdrop / Scene changes OLYMPIA automates logistical aspects of an opera performance: User programs events that are synchronized to points in a prerecorded performance Automated handling of hardware cues at performance time OLYMPIA offers several benefits to the customer: Provides greater consistency between performances and a lower error rate than manual operation, as well as labor cost savings Facilitates experimentation at rehearsal and planning time, since the creative staff can try different plans and later recreate them exactly FINISHED!!!

3 Opera Logistics –Y- Musical Performance Integration Application
Level 0 DFD Opera Logistics –Y- Musical Performance Integration Application (OLYMPIA) Main Control Login Lighting Sound Recognition Mech. Operations Supertitles Special Effects H/W Control Signals User Input User Hardware FINISHED!!!

4 Mechanical Operations Module Supertitles Display H/W
Sound Recognition H/W Ctrl. Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Sound Recog. H/W Lighting Ctrl. H/W 2.3 Sound Recognition Module 2.4 Lighting Module Level 1 DFD Sound Inputs. H/W Status Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Music State and Errors H/W Status Signals Music Cue 2.1 Main Control Module 2.2 Login Module 2.5 Special Effects Module Grant User Access Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get login info. Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get User Info. H/W Status Signals FINISHED!!! Supertitles Info. User Info Data Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. Special Effects H/W H/W Status Signals. 2.7 Supertitles Module 2.6 Mechanical Operations Module H/W Status Signals. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. User Input Supertitles Display H/W Supertitles Info. H/W Status Signals. Mechanical Ops. H/W

5 Core Design User controls system with a central GUI
Hardware control modules have GUIs for setting themes (such as “campfire,” “heavy fog stage left,” or “sunrise lighting”) and saving them in files At planning time, user uses Cue Programming GUI to choose user-programmed and/or built-in themes and associate them with timed cues In use, cues would be synchronized to a rehearsal performance of the opera. We simulate this using a commercial recording and synchronizing cues to the music player’s timer Each cue contains time type (music-triggered or user-triggered) array lists of actions to take Opera object contains an array list of cues FINISHED!!!

6 Mechanical Operations Module Supertitles Display H/W
Sound Recognition H/W Ctrl. Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Sound Recog. H/W Lighting Ctrl. H/W 2.3 Sound Recognition Module 2.4 Lighting Module Level 1 DFD Sound Inputs. H/W Status Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Music State and Errors H/W Status Signals Music Cue 2.1 Main Control Module 2.2 Login Module Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. 2.5 Special Effects Module Grant User Access H/W Status Signals Get login info. Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get User Info. H/W Status Signals FINISHED!!! User Info Data Supertitles Info. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. Special Effects H/W H/W Status Signals. 2.7 Supertitles Module 2.6 Mechanical Operations Module H/W Status Signals. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. User Input Supertitles Display H/W Supertitles Info. H/W Status Signals. Mechanical Ops. H/W

7 Light Position & Beam Control Modules
Requirement Number Requirement Description Implemented 3.4.1 LPBCM shall allow the user to adjust the positioning of the lighting equipment. yes LPBCM shall be able to adjust the vertical axis of the lights. LPBCM shall be able to adjust the horizontal axis of the lights. 3.4.2 LPBCM shall allow the user to adjust the beam of the light. LPBCM shall allow the user to adjust the diameter of the projected beam of light. LPBCM shall allow the user to adjust the fade level of the lights (how bright or dim the lights are). 3.4.3 LPBCM shall be able to adjust lights individually. FINISHED!!!

8 Light Color Requirement No. Color Module (CM) Implemented 3.4.5
CM shall allow the user to adjust the color of the lights. YES CM shall allow the user to adjust the R, G, B values of the lights individually. CM shall allow the user to choose from a range of preprogrammed color choices. CM shall allow the user to choose from preprogrammed color themes. CM shall allow the user to program their own color themes. CM shall allow the user to adjust lights individually. CM shall allow the user to group lights together and adjust them as a group (partly using the presets)

9 Spotlight Ctrl. / Motion Tracking Mod
Requirement Number Requirement Description Implemen ted 3.4.7 CPMTM shall allow the user to manually control the spotlight. yes CPMTM shall allow the user to adjust the speed of the spotlight. 3.4.8 CPMTM shall allow the spotlight to track performers on the stage(manually) CPMTM shall allow the user to map the spotlight to different performers onstage.(manually) CPMTM shall be able to switch between performers in real time.(manually) FINISHED!!!

10 2.4.3 Lighting Effects Module
Coordinate with modules and to create lighting effects Provide user list of preset lighting effects, such as: Sunset Sunrise Sea FINISHED!!!

11 Display modules Display Module Choose the preset file from the folder
Simulate the effect of beams on the stage

12 Main GUI

13 Mechanical Operations Module Supertitles Display H/W
Sound Recognition H/W Ctrl. Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Sound Recog. H/W Lighting Ctrl. H/W 2.3 Sound Recognition Module 2.4 Lighting Module Level 1 DFD Sound Inputs. H/W Status Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Music State and Errors H/W Status Signals Music Cue 2.1 Main Control Module 2.2 Login Module 2.5 Special Effects Module Grant User Access Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get login info. Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get User Info. H/W Status Signals FINISHED!!! User Info Data Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. Supertitles Info. Special Effects H/W H/W Status Signals. 2.7 Supertitles Module 2.6 Mechanical Operations Module H/W Status Signals. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. User Input Supertitles Display H/W Supertitles Info. H/W Status Signals. Mechanical Ops. H/W

14 Special Effects Module
In addition to mechanical control hardware such as trap doors, curtains, backdrops, etc., operas use special effects Fog Module: Dramatic effect, obscure performer appearance/disappearance Water Module: Provides waterfalls, mist, and artificial rain Air and Fans Module Provides a wind effect Works with Fog and Pyrotechnics Module Pyrotechnics Module: Lights torches for dramatic effects Creates artificial explosions Manages intensity of fires Miscellaneous Effects such as confetti, props, etc. FINISHED!!!

15 Mechanical Operations Module Supertitles Display H/W
Sound Recognition H/W Ctrl. Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Sound Recog. H/W Lighting Ctrl. H/W 2.3 Sound Recognition Module 2.4 Lighting Module Level 1 DFD Sound Inputs. H/W Status Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Music State and Errors H/W Status Signals Music Cue 2.1 Main Control Module 2.2 Login Module 2.5 Special Effects Module Grant User Access Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get login info. Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get User Info. H/W Status Signals FINISHED!!! User Info Data Supertitles Info. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. Special Effects H/W H/W Status Signals. 2.7 Supertitles Module 2.6 Mechanical Operations Module H/W Status Signals. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. User Input Supertitles Display H/W Supertitles Info. H/W Status Signals. Mechanical Ops. H/W

16 Supertitles Module Opera is usually performed in languages that most of the audience does not understand Even if the language is known, sung text is hard to distinguish, like lyrics in popular music Opera houses use supertitles, which are similar to subtitles in films Supertitles are usually projected above the stage. This practically limits the translation to a single language Olympia outputs titles to individual display screens in a language of the patron’s choice FINISHED!!!

17 Supertitles Module Uses an array of patron displays. We will demonstrate this with two displays in order to show the language choice function without cluttering the screen. In use, there would be one per patron Libretto parses a formatted text file into an array list of LibrettoLine objects, each of which contains one string per language (in our demo, these are English, French, and Italian) When CueNextLine() is called, starts or advances to next line, sends Libretto Lines to Display controller, returns English text for Cue Tracking GUI Display controller sends the line to the display screen in the language selected Supertitles also handles patron messages entered at runtime, such as “Placido Domingo is unable to perform this evening due to a minor illness. Understudy Jose Macias will appear in the role of the Duke.” FINISHED!!!

18 Mechanical Operations Module Supertitles Display H/W
Sound Recognition H/W Ctrl. Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Sound Recog. H/W Lighting Ctrl. H/W 2.3 Sound Recognition Module 2.4 Lighting Module Level 1 DFD Sound Inputs. H/W Status Signals. Light Ctrl. Cmds. Music State and Errors H/W Status Signals Music Cue 2.1 Main Control Module 2.2 Login Module 2.5 Special Effects Module Grant User Access Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get login info. Special Effects Ctrl. Cmds. H/W Status Signals Get User Info. H/W Status Signals FINISHED!!! Supertitles Info. User Info Data Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. Special Effects H/W H/W Status Signals. 2.7 Supertitles Module 2.6 Mechanical Operations Module H/W Status Signals. Mech. Ctrl. Cmds. User Input Supertitles Display H/W Supertitles Info. H/W Status Signals. Mechanical Ops. H/W

19 Main Module GUI Tabbed windows for each hardware control component (lighting, special effects, etc.) Tabbed windows for Cue Programming and Tracking Provide a control mechanism (slider bar, buttons, etc.) for each programmable cue Display libretto lines at playback to operator Provide access to music player for synching FINISHED!!!

20 Cue Programming OLYMPIA synchronizes all cues to a version of the music that is recorded at rehearsal time. We simulate this using a prerecorded piece. Using the GUI, user programs cues for particular points in the performance and actions to take at each cue Input from recording hardware (simulated with prerecorded piece) At rehearsal time: Performance is recorded and stored At cue programming time : Music is played with GUI-controlled sound player User inputs timed actions Actions are matched to cues that are synchronized to the recorded sound Cue actions are stored in cue storage for retrieval at performance time FINISHED!!!

21 Cue Tracking An opera contains a series of cues Retrieves next cue from the sequence in cue storage. This is triggered when: The last cue is finished The sound recognition returns a music state that signals the start of a cue (currently simulated by a timer) When the time matches the cue’s time, Cue Tracking calls the appropriate module’s applyTheme() method, using the theme name as a parameter. Module loads theme and sends control signals to hardware. It returns a string description of the action Supertitle cues use module’s cueNextLine() method FINISHED!!!

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