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Lisbon Immigrant's Justice Perceptions

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1 Lisbon Immigrant's Justice Perceptions
Submission spirit Lisbon Immigrant's Justice Perceptions António Pedro Dores, Octobre 2007

2 Socio-criminal Thesis
Cf. Robert K. Merton, "Estrutura social e Anomia" em Sociologia - Teoria e Estrutura, São Paulo, Mestre Jou, 1970, pp Lack of social and economic resources Crime

3 Historical and Political Thesis
Woodiwiss, Michael (2005) Gangster Capitalism: The United States and the Global Rise of Organized Crime, London, Constable. Lack of social and economic resources Crime

4 Social dynamics To study institutions (as prisons) is relevant, even it can be tricky if one do not face ideological and disciplinary bias. ex: who are the criminals, what is socially relevant on crime? the condemn actions (sociological choice) or those in power who fail to conform the spirit of the law (historian choice)?

5 Analytical Space Against the clock (social thesis)
Vertical authority (historical thesis) Visceral Plan Socio-economic Plan Normative Plan Tertiary Socialization “Crime” Secondary Socialization “Delinquency” Primary Socialization “domestic violence” Private plans

6 Study about feelings on Justice by non nationals in Lisbon
Experience: Interviewing (family  individual) Biographical study on condemn people Workshop on fear

7 Empirical Conclusions
The presence of the interviewer causes fear The answers about what is justice are well informed Positive image of Portuguese justice compare images of justice in their different home lands Very difficult to discuss cases, any cases, and to talk about family

8 Submission spirit Social secrets respect (fear)
Cooperative and informed mind Moral resilience to abuse, violence and trauma Social capacity of production (secrets, labour, sacrificial stigma )

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