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To Kill A Mockingbird VOCABULARY!!!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "To Kill A Mockingbird VOCABULARY!!!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Kill A Mockingbird VOCABULARY!!!!!

2 Deviation from the normal, proper, or expected course
Aberration Deviation from the normal, proper, or expected course

3 asinine Stupid or silly

4 To make less severe; to ease
assuage To make less severe; to ease

5 auspicious Favorable

6 An inclination to perform kind or charitable acts.
benevolence An inclination to perform kind or charitable acts.

7 To descend to the level of one considered inferior.
condescend To descend to the level of one considered inferior.

8 Feeling scorn; scornful
contemptuous Feeling scorn; scornful

9 disapprobation Moral disapproval

10 Inclined to make trouble; unruly.
fractious Inclined to make trouble; unruly.

11 Origination and living in an area or environment; native.
indigenous Origination and living in an area or environment; native.

12 Unsophisticated; Straightforward; Candid
ingenuous Unsophisticated; Straightforward; Candid

13 Wickedness; Sinfulness.
iniquities Wickedness; Sinfulness.

14 Exceeding reasonable limits; disorderly.
inordinate Exceeding reasonable limits; disorderly.

15 interdict To prohibit or forbid.

16 Harsh and insulting language used to attack or denounce.
invective Harsh and insulting language used to attack or denounce.

17 Noisily and stubbornly defiant.
obstreperous Noisily and stubbornly defiant.

18 To make something seem less serious; To soothe without curing
palliate To make something seem less serious; To soothe without curing

19 A passionate speech intended to arouse opposition; Tirade
philippic A passionate speech intended to arouse opposition; Tirade

20 A disposition in favor or something; Preference.
predilection A disposition in favor or something; Preference.

21 rectitude Moral uprightness.

22 A restraint, limit, or restriction.
strictures A restraint, limit, or restriction.

23 Implied or inferred from actions or statements; not spoken
tacit Implied or inferred from actions or statements; not spoken

24 umbrage Offense or resentment.

25 Lacking liveliness, zest, or interest; flat or dull.
vapid Lacking liveliness, zest, or interest; flat or dull.

26 Annoyance or the condition of being annoyed.
vexation Annoyance or the condition of being annoyed.

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