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Warm-Up Correct these sentences:

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1 Warm-Up Correct these sentences:
(1. subject-verb agreement, apostrophes, proper noun, comma, capitalization= 7 errors) (2. pronoun, proper nouns, maintenance of tense=7 errors) they isnt going down highway 59 I dont think because of the traffic jam they gave theirselves a few days to see the brooklyn bridge and other sights when theyre out east

2 “Buzz” Word Articulation (noun): the action of putting into words an idea or feeling of a specified type. Sentence: Please articulate your thoughts on the concept of culture.

3 What Gives Writing a Voice?
Read page 29 silently Highlight ways in which voice is more than just syntax, diction, and imagery What kind of expression does voice lead to? Make sure to read the boxes on the right side as well Essential Question: How does voice function in and beyond the contexts of writing?

4 Tone What is tone? Look at the word your group was given
Use the thesaurus to create a list of 6 words that mean the same thing (10th grade words please!) Now sort them into positive, neutral, negative Write them on the big paper Fill out the “Tone Array” line graph on page 33

5 Imagine by John Lennon pg. 33
Read “Imagine” by John Lennon What was the song’s subject? Circle the words or phrases (diction) that help establish the tone of the poem Create a list of tone words that describe the speaker’s tone Find evidence to support your answer

6 OER Question *How does the author’s use of diction emphasize the tone in the poem? Use evidence from the text to support your answer. Need one answer A really great explanation Text evidence (This is for a quiz grade so make it GOOD!)

7 Homework: Your Tone Poem
Make a list of three objects Pick one of the objects and write a four-line poem expressing a POSITIVE TONE towards that object Pick the same object and write a four-line poem expressing a NEGATIVE TONE towards that object Pick the same object and write a four-line poem expressing a NEUTRAL TONE towards that object.

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