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Why are leaves called the “food factories” of a plant or tree?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are leaves called the “food factories” of a plant or tree?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are leaves called the “food factories” of a plant or tree?
Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, and pencil box and agenda. Copy the question and answer in sentences: Why are leaves called the “food factories” of a plant or tree?

2 Answer Leaves are called food factories because photosynthesis, the process in which plants make their own food, occurs in the leaves. The green chlorophyll in leaves is needed for photosynthesis to happen.

3 Photosynthesis

4 Set up your notebook Use Cornell notes format: make a narrow column on the left, and a wide column on the right. Put headings of slides on the left, and the information on the right.

5 Meanings Photo means light Synthesis means put together. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants make their own food using light and other ingredients. Short form: photo.

6 “Ingredients” Plants Need
Light - from the sun Water - from roots Carbon dioxide CO2 – from air, enters plant through tiny openings under the leaves called stomata Chlorophyll: green color in plants that traps energy from sunlight to make food

7 Plants Make or Produce glucose (sugar) – food for the plant oxygen O2 –released into the atmosphere.

8 Sunlight + CO2 + water = Glucose (sugar) + O2
Equation Sunlight + CO2 + water = Glucose (sugar) + O2

9 Make a diagram Follow along as we make a diagram to help explain photosynthesis.

10 Read for information – We all need photosynthesis!
Directly or indirectly, all life on Earth depends on photosynthesis. Can you explain how plants and humans depend on each other? Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Animals and humans take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. This exchange of gases balances our atmosphere. Plants help humans to breathe, and humans help plants make their own food.

11 Plants create their own food (sugar) to grow.
Animals and humans eat the plants for food and energy Plants provide other forms of energy.

12 The energy stored in petroleum, natural gas, coal, and firewood all came from plants which have stored the energy from the sun via photosynthesis

13 Video Clip Consolidate your knowledge of photosynthesis by viewing this video clip! (Discovery Education, Photosynthesis)

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