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Keyboarding Using the Touch-method

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Presentation on theme: "Keyboarding Using the Touch-method"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keyboarding Using the Touch-method
To key by touch rather than by the hunt-and-peck method

2 Proper Posture (reasonably erect) and Technique
Sit up straight Feet flat on the floor Body centered in front of the computer Elbows naturally by side Fingers curved Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard Quick, snappy strokes

3 Quick down and in motion of the thumb
Proper Posture and Technique--continued Quick down and in motion of the thumb Right pinky used for the enter key; other fingers remain on the home row Hands and arms remain relatively stationary Use the appropriate pinky for each shift key…left shift use left pinky… Examine the keyboard carefully to form a mental picture of the layout. (You will memorize the entire keyboard.)

4 Strike keys firmly and release them quickly
Proper Posture and Technique--continued Keep your eyes on the copy (what you are typing from, not the keyboard and your fingers) Place your fingers on the center of each key with the fingers slightly curved Strike keys firmly and release them quickly Do not worry about correcting errors when working on building speed

5 Place fingers on HOME ROW KEYS
D J S F ; A

6 TERM DEFINITION Technique The form and keying style that a typist uses while operating the Keyboard Touch-method To key by touch rather than by the hunt-and-peck method Posture The way the typist sits; the way the typist’s arms, wrists, fingers, legs and feet are placed Work area Arrangement of the keyboard, copy (to right of monitor), mouse, and other materials on the desk

7 Your body to be reasonably erect in front of the keyboard.
Posture Requires Your body to be reasonably erect in front of the keyboard.

8 the Little Finger is small but noisy: Quiet Aunt Zelda

9 the Next Finger is ambitious: Want Something eXtra

10 the Middle Finger is smart: Every Dollar Counts

11 the Index Finger types 6 letters: Run From Vicky To Get Betty

12 the Index finger types 6 letters You Have Nothing Uncle Joe's Mad

13 the Middle finger is proud I'm King , comma

14 the next finger is patient Over Longer . period

15 the Little Finger is vain and types only one key Pretty

16 Thumbs strike space bar (inserts space between characters)

17 Close your eyes. Try to find the letters of the alphabet by touch.

18 TERM DEFINITION Technique The form and keying style that a typist uses while operating the Keyboard Touch-method To key by touch rather than by the hunt-and-peck method Posture The way the typist sits; the way the typist’s arms, wrists, fingers, legs and feet are placed Work area Arrangement of the keyboard, copy, mouse, and other materials on the desk

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