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2 1. What is Bullying? Use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. Bullying can be physical, cyber, or verbal. Bullying can virtually happen anywhere, at anytime. Bullying IS a serious problem.

3 Fact or Myth? 2. Spreading rumors is a form of bullying.

4 Fact! Circle Fact on your paper This is a part of verbal bullying.
It is as real as cyber bullying, or physical bullying. Spreading rumors, name calling, and any other type of verbal bullying should be taken very seriously!

5 Fact or Myth? 3. Bullying can lead to suicide.

6 Fact! Recent studies have brought attention to the scary connection between bullying and suicide. Being bullied, even being the bully, can cause a lot of negative feelings such as: Depression Anxiety This can easily lead to suicide thoughts and actions.

7 4. What Is Bullycide? Suicide from the result of bullying.
The American Justice Department bullying suicide statistics show that 1 out of every 4 kids will be bullied sometime throughout their adolescence.  Bullycide is proof that bullying is a serious problem and should be dealt with.

8 5. Who gets bullied? Anyone and Everyone can be bullied.
90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying. It doesn’t stop there – bullying continues in high school.

9 6. Suicide: The action of killing oneself intentionally; self-murder.
Every 17 minutes, someone dies from suicide.

10 7. Bullycide: Bullying can lead to suicide. Just like smoking can lead to the use of other drugs. 1 in 3 suicides happen because of bullying. Adults who recall being bullied were three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts.

11 What Do I Do Now?

12 8. SPEAK UP & REACH OUT! Report it to a trusted adult (teacher, parent, counselor, administrator) Complete a written report Support your friends and peers Remove yourself and/or others from the situation.


14 1. Physical Abuse -Any action that causes physical injury, leaves marks, or causes pain EXAMPLES: -shaking -burning -pinching - biting -choking -throwing - beating

15 2. Sexual Abuse Unwanted sexual activity, with perpetrators using force, making threats or taking advantage of victims not able to give consent.

16 3. Neglect Abuse -When a child or teen does not have adequate food, housing, clothes, medical care, or supervision

17 4. Emotional/Psychological Abuse
-When yelling and anger go too far or when parents constantly criticize, threaten, or dismiss until the person’s self-esteem and feelings of self-worth are damaged

18 5.C.P.S. Child Protective Services

19 SLOGAN/QUOTE STEP 1: Come up with or find a slogan and/or a quote against bullying and/or child abuse. EXAMPLE’s: SLOGAN: Don’t be mean behind the screen. OR QUOTE: “HOW YOU MAKE OTHERS FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES, SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOU”

20 STEP 2: Show your quote/slogan to the teacher for approval. Research 5 facts about any type of bullying or child abuse and show to the teacher for approval. Provide the definition of the type of abuse/bullying you are covering.

21 STEP 3: Final Draft Get a white piece of paper Write/type and paste your quote/slogan Draw or paste at least 1 picture Use 3 different colors to decorate Write/type and put your 5 facts about bullying or child abuse on your paper


23 STEP 1: Come up with or find a slogan and/or a quote against bullying. EXAMPLE’s: SLOGAN: Don’t be mean behind the screen. QUOTE: “HOW YOU MAKE OTHERS FEEL ABOUT THEMSELVES, SAYS A LOT ABOUT YOU” STEP 2: -Show your quote/slogan to the teacher for approval -Research 5 facts about any type of bullying and show to the teacher for approval -Provide the definition of the type of abuse/bullying you are covering. STEP 3: Final Draft -Get a white piece of paper -Write your quote/slogan -Draw or paste at least 1 picture -Use 3 different colors to decorate -Write or type and paste 5 facts about bullying on your paper

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