AP Chemistry Unit 2 – Atoms, Molecules, and, Ions

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1 AP Chemistry Unit 2 – Atoms, Molecules, and, Ions
Day 4 – Finish Emission Spectrum Demonstration, Planck’s Equation, and Reading Comprehenstion Check

2 Warm Up Helium has 7 spectral lines in it’s emission spectrum
IN YOUR NOTEBOOK: Use Planck’s equation to calculate the energy of THE PHOTON EMITS the yellow spectral line (587 nm). Convert the wavelength to meters Plug into equation (see ap reference sheet) Joules is the unit for energy Time: 6 minutes When done: Try another specral line TIME: 4 MINUTES WHEN DONE: Check your answers with your table partners Hint: Look post-lab questions from last class

3 AP Chemistry Agenda Notes: Emission spectrum and Planck’s Constant Practice (25 min) ASSIGNMENT SHEET AND Formal Lab Report rubric (6 min) Reading comprehension check (At 9: min)


5 PLANCK’S EQUATION E = hν ν = c/λ
The AP reference sheet gives you “Planck’s equation” as follows: And E = energy of photon (J) h = Planck’s constant (6.626E-34 J*s) ν (nu) = frequency of wavelength (1/s) or (Hz) c = speed of light (2.998E8 m/s) λ (lamda) = wavelength (m) If you are given wavelength (λ) in nm, you should be able to manipulate the equation to calculate E (J). Also, if you are given E, you should be able to calculate wavelength and determine the color of the spectral line emitted (if given the ranges). This also applies to calculating for frequency. E = hν ν = c/λ



8 Example: Using planck’s equation
Ultraviolet radiation has a frequency of 6.8E15 Hz. Calculate the energy of the photon (in Joules) Calculate the wavelength (in nm) The human eye can only see parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that are in the range of nm. CAN HUMANS SEE ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION?

9 Planck’s equation worksheet
TAKE OUT: UNIT 2 STUDY GUIDE AND A SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER ANSWER: As many questions as you can in the time we have Time: 11 minutes? WHEN DONE: review your notes

10 assignment sheet All things: are due on monday Complete: assignment sheet for next class You will: only show me your work for full credit (I will stamp your assignment sheet if you show me it is done) Anything turned in on wednesday: can receive 2.5 (if 100% complete) After WednesdaY: NO LONGER ACCEPTED Then: Wednesday (day of quiz), you will turn it all in during quiz (WITH NOTEBOOK). REMEMBER FORMAL LAB REPORT DUE ON WEDNESDAY

11 Reading comprehension check
Check out: chromebook Go to: Home page of website Click on: Reading Comprehension-Unit 2 Use: ALL NOTES TO COMPLETE PRACTICE (THIS CHECK IS ONLY WORTH HALF A HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT) Be brief: with your answers TIME: 30 MINUTES CHECK: Your grade by tomorrow at 5pm (see grade sheet)

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