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Welcome to S1 History .

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to S1 History ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to S1 History 

2 Expectations? Willingness to learn Positive Attitude

3 Sources Time Chronology Evidence
Unit 1: What is History? This course sets the foundations for studying history by introducing the basic skills required. Sources Time Chronology Evidence

4 Investigate Theories Judgements' Conclusions
Unit 2: Case Study: Skara Brae/The Ice Man These units are research based. Pupils are encouraged to investigate an issue and come to conclusions based on evidence. Investigate Theories Judgements' Conclusions

5 Scotland England Co-operation Conflict Treaty of Union
Unit 3: Mary Queen of Scots/King James VI A Study of early modern Scotland to develop an understanding of continuity and change in history. This develops pupils’ awareness of Scotland’s place in the United Kingdom and will encourage critical thinking about current political issues. England Co-operation Conflict Treaty of Union

6 Assessment Pupil will have some key tasks to complete and these will be assessed in line with BGE guidelines. There will be a variety of Assessment methods such as: Report writing Research based assessment Talks Group tasks Posters PowerPoints

7 Homework On occasion you will be asked to complete homework tasks.
You will be given plenty of notice for this Notices will also appear on Google Classroom.

8 Progression? Progression to Senior Phase: National 4 and 5
World of Work/Career possibilities: Archaeology, Teaching, Law, Social Work, Civil Service, Politics, Journalism

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