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Presentation on theme: "A Big City [BEGINNING OF INTERACTIVE PRESENTATION (Screens 3-15)]"— Presentation transcript:

Screen 3. Screens 3-15 are part of Interactive chart to follow the static charts (Screens 1-2). Notes: Set “Unit 6. Present of Be: Questions with Where; Prepositions of Place” at top left of screen. Increase size of “A Big City” and keep illustration. See design notes. Cut all other text.

2 A Flight from Sydney Ben: Did you enjoy Australia?
Ann: Yes, but I’m ready to go home. Ben: Where do you live? Ann: I live in New York. Ben: So do I. I live at 347 West 82nd Street. Ann: So do I! Do you live on the fourth floor? Ben: Yes, I do! I’m in apartment 4G. Ann: I’m across from you in 4H. Ann & Ben: We’re neighbors! JA: shading isn’t set correctly over words Screen 4

3 Location Questions Use where to ask questions about location.
Where do you live? Screen 5

4 Short Forms Where’s is the short form for where is. Where’s the bus?
Where’s my suitcase?

5 Prepositions of Place: At
Use at with a street address. The Metropolitan Museum is at 1000 Fifth Avenue. The United Nations is at First Avenue and 46th Street. JA: AT needs to be set in box TML – not sure what this comment means – looks fine.

6 Prepositions of Place: On
Use on the with a floor. Use on with a street name. The Empire State Building is on 34th Street. The observation deck is on the 86th floor. Screen 8 JA: [The bubble around “The observation deck is on the…:” The arrow cuts into “The” – needs to be reduced to avoid that] 6

7 Prepositions of Place: In
Use in with a city, state, country, or continent. Did you enjoy your time in Australia? I live in New York City. Screen 9 7

8 Practice 1 Example: Ann was born in Canada.
Complete the sentences with in, on, or at. Example: Ann was born in Canada. 1. She loves living in New York City. 2. Her boyfriend lives at 935 Lexington Avenue. 3. He was born in Mississippi. 4. They both work on Chambers Street. Screen 10 JA: The shaded boxes don’t seem to be covering the words correctly. TML- not sure what you’re talking about – it looks fine [JA: The shaded box over “in” for the Example doesn’t completely cover the word…I think moving it a bit to the right will solve problem. Item 6: Change “subway station” to “gym” to get target vocab in.] 5. Their office is on the ninth floor. 6. The subway station is at Broadway and Chambers. 8

9 Prepositions of Place: Next To
library hospital The bank is next to the hospital. Screen 11 JA: Is “Library” not possible change for “bank?” Also, title is not fitting in box. [JA: If possible, change “bank” in bubble and label to “library” to get target vocab in] 9

10 Prepositions of Place: Between
museum café school The museum is between the café and the school. Screen 12: JA: Title not fitting correctly. 10

11 Prepositions of Place: Across From
department store supermarket The supermarket is across from the department store. Screen 13 [JA: Bubble needs to be enlarged so it doesn’t cut into “department” TML – not sure what you’re referring to, nothing is covered up…? Change “post office” in bubble and shaded box to “supermarket” to cover target vocab] 11

12 My apartment is on the fourth floor.
Ordinal Numbers Use ordinal numbers for streets and floors. My apartment is on the fourth floor. Screen 14 I live on West 82nd Street. 12

13 art museum 421 Bedford Street
With a partner, ask questions about Bedford Street. Use prepositions in your answers. Practice 2 Example: Where is the bank? It’s across from the bakery. bakery bank gym post office bookstore restaurant (3rd Floor) café Screen 15 art museum 421 Bedford Street Bedford Street 13

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