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Death Tourism.

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Presentation on theme: "Death Tourism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Death Tourism

2 Content Death tourists What is assisted suicide? Dignitas Regulations
Ethical aspects Content

3 «Death tourists are terminally ill or suffering from neurological disorders from across the world who travel to countries with legalised assisted suicide so that they may commit suicide without commiting a crime.» Death tourists

4 What is assisted suicide?
Long process self-determined Concerned person takes lethal drugs by himself What is assisted suicide?

5 Dignitas Zürich Founded 1998 by a lawyer Assisted dying organisation
Big Business (10,000 CHF) Germans British Dignitas

6 2004 the government tried to put following regulations in place:
Swiss resident for at least 6 months Incurable illness 2011 following referendum got rejected: Ban assisted suicide Need for swiss resident Regulations

7 «constant and unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be alleviated»
Euthanasia: Belgium, Luxembourg and Netherlands In Switzerland final step taken by patient Is it an ethical business? Ethical aspects

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