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AP ECONOMICS: November 2

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1 AP ECONOMICS: November 2
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix Quiz (HO) Learning Target In order to understand how the money supply grows, I will learn the concept of fractional reserve banking. I will know I have it when I can ultimately determine the amount of maximum deposit expansion when given multiple amounts of checkable deposits, required reserves, and loans. --Banking and Money Creation (Money Creation (through 2:17)) -begin Activity 4-3 (Banks and the Creation of Money—HO) Assignment --GC video --Monetary and Fiscal Policy Mix—Making the Connections (HO) -very important information for FRQ #7 (long) --MCT #4 Practice Questions (HO) FRQs #6 & #7 are Tuesday (short: deposit expansion, T-account, money multiplier, etc.) (long: AD-AS, fiscal policy, monetary policy, self-correction) MCT #4 is Wednesday

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