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The Last Supper Mark 14.

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Presentation on theme: "The Last Supper Mark 14."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Last Supper Mark 14

2 Context Mankind: Jesus Christ: -Sacrificial -Loving -Came to die
FOR US. Context Hatred “Why this waste?” Controversy The Pharisees want to kill Christ (14:1) At Dinner on this night: The betrayal (14:17-21) The disciples will desert (14:27f) The disciples brag who is ‘greatest’ (Luke 22:24) Betrayal & Desertion Selfish

3 The Drama of God Mk.14:12 Celebrated in the Passover
Almost 1500 years old! Fulfilled finally tonight! v Jesus proclaims it points to Him. “Do this in remembrance of me…” – Luke 22:19

4 The Seder (Passover Meal)

5 An unblemished Lamb Exodus 12:3-5
A Substitute Unblemished: without Fault, without Sin A Picture of Jesus Christ. John 1:29 “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the World!”

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