The Growth of Industry 1865-1914 Chapter 19 The Growth of Industry 1865-1914.

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1 The Growth of Industry 1865-1914
Chapter 19 The Growth of Industry

2 The fast growth of the railroad encouraged the growth of the economy.
Economy = Jobs and Money The practice of combining separate companies into one industry is called consolidation. Many of the railroads were consolidated by the big railroads.

3 4. Cornelious Vanderbuilt was a railroad baron
4. Cornelious Vanderbuilt was a railroad baron. He became rich by buying out little railroads. Cornelious Vanderbuilt’s home Vanderbuilt

4 The inventor of the railroad sleeping car was George M. Pullman.
George Westinghouse invented the air brake. Samuel Morse invented the telegraph (think Morse Code). This sent a signal across wires. Inventions at this time made life easier. Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb!

5 Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. (think Bellsouth).
Henry Ford invented the moving assembly line for cars and the Model T Ford. The moving assembly line created mass production. This made cars faster which made them cheaper!

6 12. George Eastman invented the Kodak Camera.
13. Jan E. Matzeliger created a shoe making machine. This made shoes more quickly which made them cheaper.

7 14. In 1902, the Wright Brothers were the first to create an airplane that would fly.

8 An entrepreneur is someone who takes a risk by starting their own business.
Andrew Carnegie was an entrepreneur. He made a fortune in the steel industry (Carnegie Hall is named for him).

9 17. John D. Rockefeller was also an entrepreneur
17. John D. Rockefeller was also an entrepreneur. He made a fortune in the oil industry. 18. Carnegie and Rockefeller had monopolies in their businesses.

10 19. Working conditions were not good for most workers
19. Working conditions were not good for most workers. There were no laws to protect workers. Minimum wage, 8 hour workdays, and health benefits did not exist. 20. There was no age limit for workers. Children often worked long hours for low wages.

11 21. Workers joined labor unions to unite together against unfair treatment at work.
22. Many workers went on strike to protest unfair treatment. 23. Labor Unions were formed to help laborers (workers) receive better treatment. Labor Unions work with company owners to make work better for workers.

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