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Periodic table IA IIA post- transition metals IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA

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Presentation on theme: "Periodic table IA IIA post- transition metals IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Periodic table IA IIA post- transition metals IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA
IIA post- transition metals IIIA IVA VA VIA VIIA transition metals IIIB IVB VB VIB VIIB VIIIB IB IIB

2 Bonding in Solids repulsive Coulomb interaction between ions e e
between electrons attractive Coulomb interaction between ions and electrons kinetic energy of electrons

3 Molecular (van der Waals) bond
Crystals of “inert” gases of group 0: Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn e e m2 m1 R Van-der Waals, London or fluctuating dipole interaction

4 Molecular (van der Waals) bond
atom1 atom2 electron charge distribution -1/4

5 IONIC bond + Energy balance Crystals: NaCl, CsCl, CaCl2 Cl- cohesive
+ 7.9eV cohesive energy + Na Cl Energy balance

6 IONIC bond: Madelung constant
R Madelung constant

7 IONIC bond: Madelung constant
NaCl~ 1.75 CsCl~1.76 ZnS (cubic)~1.64

8 Covalent bond Crystals: C, Si, Ge, H
Covalent bond is formed by two electrons, one from each atom, localised in the region between the atoms (spins of electrons are anti-parallel ) Example: Carbon 1S2 2S2 2p2 C C 2D 3D Diamond: tetrahedron, cohesive energy 7.3eV

9 Covalent bond Hydrogen Methane molecule molecule H4 C H3 H1 H2 1S
H atom H2 molecule Energy C H1 H4 H3 H2

10 Covalent bond Atoms in group III, IV,V,&VI tend to form covalent bond
Filling factor T. :0.34 F.C.C :0.74

11 Metallic bond Atoms in group IA-IIB let electrons to roam in
a crystal. Free electrons glue the crystal Na+ e- Attract Repel Additional binding due to interaction of partially filled d – electron shells takes place in transitional metals: IIIB - VIIIB

12 The Hydrogen bond Hydrogen bond is formed between the most electronegative atoms: F,O and N. Bonding energy is ~ 0.1ev Bonding in DNA molecule F- H+ C H N sugar O adenine thymine

13 Bonding in Solids Melting point (K) Molecular crystals Metals Ionic
Covalent 3000 2000 1000 organic W(3683) Mo(2883) Pt(2034) Fe(1808) Cu(1336) Al(933) Pb(600) Na(371) Hg(234) LiF(1143) KCl(1063) C(<3500) BN(3270) SiO2(2001) Si(1683) Ge(1240)

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