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Rise of Modern Nations Russia

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1 Rise of Modern Nations Russia

2 Kievan Rus’ ( ) Loose group of Slavic tribes under a king


4 Kievan Rus’ (882-1240) Group of Slavic tribes under a king
Vladimir the Great converted nation to Orthodox Christianity (Same religion as Byzantines) Overrun by Mongolian Empire

5 Grand Duchy of Moscow (1283-1547)
Russian towns made client states of Mongolian Empire (paid Mongols tribute to keep them from attacking) One town, Moscow, expanded its territory through war and money 9.15 million square miles / 25% worlds population

6 Grand Duchy of Moscow (1283-1547)
Ivan the Great Prince of Moscow ( ) Stopped paying tribute to Mongols Unified subjects through Orthodox Church (Moscow called third Rome after Constantinople falls in 1453)

7 7:44-9:34

8 Tsardom of Russia (1547-1721) Ivan the Terrible (Reigned 1533-1584)
Took the title of Tsar (Caesar) in 1547 Unified Russia by taking land from nobles Absolute rule in civil and religious matters

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