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Bertiene Dunning (Rutgers)

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Presentation on theme: "Bertiene Dunning (Rutgers)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bertiene Dunning (Rutgers)
Lena Luyckfasseel (IPPF/EN) Daniel McCartney (IPPF)



4 Launching ICW at the International AIDS Conference Amsterdam, 1992
ICW’s original twelve statements - To improve the situation of women living with HIV and AIDS throughout the world: ICW’s 12 Statements are still relevant today and many of them remain unmet. Without political will, and new advances in science and funding, all proclamations fail us all. The time to uphold our SRHR is now © Jo Manchester

5 Executive Summary:
Full Lancet report:

6 Executive Summary:
Full Lancet report:

7 Language: Framing & Aligning Language around Advocacy, Education & Policy
Cooperation: Fostering a More Collaborative Partnership among the SRHR & HIV Movements Meaningful Engagement: Community Based Models to Communicate on the Ground

8 The Amsterdam Affirmation

9 Call to Action on the Global Gag Rule at AIDS 2018 Call to Action to attain universal health coverage through linked SRHR and HIV interventions IAWG on SRHR and HIV Linkages Aligning for Action on Safe Abortion and HIV and AIDS

10 Thank you again to our partners!

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