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JIST’s Interview Dress and Grooming Rule

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Presentation on theme: "JIST’s Interview Dress and Grooming Rule"— Presentation transcript:

1 JIST’s Interview Dress and Grooming Rule
Dress and groom like the interviewer is likely to be dressed. © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.

2 Dress and Grooming Checklist
Don’t wear jeans, tank tops, shorts, or other very casual clothes. Check your shoes. Be conservative with cologne, aftershave, makeup, and jewelry. Groom carefully! © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.

3 Six Phases of an Interview
Before the interview Opening moves The interview itself Closing the interview 5. Following up 6. Making a final decision © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.

4 The Call-Back Close 1. Thank the interviewer by name.
2. Express interest in the job and organization. 3. Arrange a reason and time to call back. 4. Say good-bye. © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.

5 Three Steps to Answering Problem Questions
1. Understand what is really being asked. Can I depend on you? Are you easy to get along with? Are you a good worker? Do you have the experience and training to do the job if hired? 2. Answer the question briefly. Acknowledge the facts, but present them as an advantage, not a disadvantage. Answer the real concern by presenting your related skills. Base your answer on your key skills, and give examples to support your skills statements. © JIST Publishing, Inc. Duplication Prohibited.

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