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Classical Statistical Mechanics in the Canonical Ensemble

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1 Classical Statistical Mechanics in the Canonical Ensemble

2 The Equipartition Theorem is Valid in Classical Stat. Mech. ONLY!!!

3 Classical Statistical Mechanics
1. The Equipartition Theorem 2. The Classical Ideal Gas a. Kinetic Theory b. Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution

4 Classical Statistical Mechanics (ONLY!) It states:
The Equipartition Theorem in Classical Statistical Mechanics (ONLY!) It states: “Each degree of freedom in a system of particles contributes (½)kBT to the thermal average energy Ē of the system.”

5 The Equipartition Theorem is Valid in Classical Stat. Mech. ONLY!!!
“Each degree of freedom in a system of particles contributes (½)kBT to the thermal average energy Ē of the system.” Note: 1. This is strictly valid only if each term in the classical energy is proportional to a momentum (p) squared or to a coordinate (q) squared. 2. The degrees of freedom are associated with translation, rotation & vibration of the system’s molecules.

6 We just finished an outline of the proof
In the Classical Cannonical Ensemble, it is straighforward to show that The average energy of a particle per independent degree of freedom  (½)kBT. We just finished an outline of the proof

7 The Boltzmann (or Maxwell-Boltzmann) Distribution
Start with the Canonical Ensemble Probability Function P(E): This is defined so that P(E) dE  probability to find a particular molecule between E & E + dE has the form: Z  Partition Function Z

8 The Boltzmann Distribution Define: Energy Distribution Function
Canonical Ensemble Probability Function P(E): Z Define: Energy Distribution Function  Number Density  nV(E): Defined so that  nV(E) dE  Number of molecules per unit volume with energy between E & E + dE

9 Examples: Equipartition of Energy in Classical Statistical Mechanics
Free Particle (One dimension): Z

10 Equipartition Theorem Examples 1 d Harmonic Oscillator:
LC Circuit: 1 d Harmonic Oscillator:

11 Equipartition Theorem Examples Free Particle in 3 Dimensions:
Rotating Rigid Body:

12 1d Simple Harmonic Oscillator

13 Classical Ideal Monatomic Gas
For this system, it’s easy to show that the Temperature T is related to the average kinetic energy. For 1 molecule moving with velocity v in 3 d, equipartition takes the form: For each degree of freedom, it’s easy to show:

14 Classical Statistical Mechanics:
Canonical Ensemble Averages Probability Function: Z P(E) dE  probability to find a particular molecule between E & E + dE Normalization:

15 So: Z Average Energy: Average Velocity:

16 Classical Kinetic Theory Results
We just saw that, from the Equipartition Theorem, the kinetic energy of each particle in an ideal gas is related to the gas temperature as: <E> = (½)mv2 = (3/2)kBT (1) v is the thermal average velocity. Canonical Ensemble Probability Function: Z In this form, P(E) is known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann Energy Distribution

17 Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution
Using <E> = (½)mv2 = (3/2)kBT along with P(E), the Probability Distribution of Energy E can be converted into a Probability Distribution of Velocity P(v) This has the form: P(v) = C exp[- (½)m(v)2/(kT)] In this form, P(v) is known as the Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution

18 Equipartition Theorem: 
Kinetic Molecular Model for Ideal Gases Due originally to Maxwell & Boltzmann Assumptions The gas consists of large number of individual point particles (zero volume). Particles are in constant random motion & collisions. No forces are exerted between molecules. Equipartition Theorem:  Gas Average Kinetic Energy is Proportional to the Temperature in Kelvin.

19 Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution
The Canonical Ensemble gives a distribution of molecules in terms of Speed/Velocity or Energy. The 1-Dimensional Velocity Distribution in the x-direction (ux) has the form:

20 Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution
High T Low T

21 In Cartesian Coordinates:
3D Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution a  (½)[m/(kBT)] In Cartesian Coordinates:

22 Maxwell-Boltzmann Speed Distribution
Change to spherical coordinates in Velocity Space. Reshape the box into a sphere in velocity space of the same volume with radius u . V = (4/3) u3 with u2 = ux2 + uy2 + uz2 dV = dux duy duz = 4  u2 du

23 3D Maxwell-Boltzmann Speed Distribution
Low T High T

24 Maxwell-Boltzmann Speed Distribution
Convert the speed-distribution into an energy distribution:  = (½)mu2, d = mu du

25 Some Important Velocity Values from the M-B Distribution
urms = root mean square (rms) velocity uavg = average speed ump = most probable velocity

26 Comparison of Velocity Values
Ratios in Terms of urms uavg ump 1.73 1.60 1.41

27 Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution

28 Maxwell-Boltzmann Speed Distribution

29 Maxwell-Boltzmann Speed Distribution

30 The Probability Density Function
Random motions of the molecules can be characterized by a probability distribution function. Since the velocity directions are uniformly distributed, the problem reduces to a speed distribution. The function f(v)dv is isotropic. f(v)dv  fractional number of mol ecules in the speed range from v to v + dv. Of course, a probability distribution function has to satisfy the condition:

31 The Probability Density Function
We can use the distribution function to compute the average behavior of the molecules:

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