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Brian Baker Educational Specialist Instructional Technology Portfolio

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Presentation on theme: "Brian Baker Educational Specialist Instructional Technology Portfolio"— Presentation transcript:

1 Brian Baker Educational Specialist Instructional Technology Portfolio
University of West Georgia Spring 2011

2 Contents Introduction Purpose Vita Standards Table Projects Page

3 Introduction Brian Baker B.S in Economics M. Ed in Business Education
Pointe South Middle School, Clayton County Georgia Technology STEM Lab Teacher Teaching since 2008 Children, Pharin (girl) and Phareed (boy) twins Enjoys traveling and movies

4 Purpose To provide documentation of the work completed as part of my Ed.S in instructional technology and how the College of education and NETS standards are being meant.

5 Resume Here is a copy of the qualifications, experience, and goals that I have as related to the education field. Resume

6 Standards Table TL-I. Technology Operations and Concepts
TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum TL-IV. Assessment and Evaluation TL-V. Productivity and Professional Practice TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues TL-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments TL-VIII. Leadership and Vision

7 Projects Project Based Learning Project Podcast
Technology Leader Interview Using Google Docs to Collaborate Professional Development Research Using Voice thread in education

8 Reflection Final Reflection

9 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-I. Technology Operations and Concepts Educational technology leaders demonstrate an advanced understanding of technology operations and concepts. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Demonstrate knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related to technology (as described in the ISTE NETS for Teachers 2000). Life Long Learners: We believe that candidates should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change. Artifact: Voicethread Course: Medt 7464 Semester: Fall 2009 NETS Reflection: This relates to the NETS standard because using a new technology is very important to anyone in education. Voicethread is a fairly new presentation tool. I had to learn how to use it as a presentation tool by creating a presentation on the solar system. The presentation was meant to give students more information on the solar system. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This is within the college of educations conceptual framework because Voicethread is a new presentation tool that individuals would have to want to learn to use it. It is not a tool that would just come up. It is not very widespread right now so teachers would have to have a lifelong learner characteristic. This characteristic forced me to want to learn more about Voicethread and not get pushed away from it. b. Demonstrate continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging technologies. Empathetic: We believe that candidates should be able to develop the sensitivity for individual, family, and institutional needs that will embrace transformational systemic change. Artifact: Discussion Course:Medt 7462 Semester: Spring 2009 NETS Reflection: Developing new technologies is unimportant if learning new technologies is not at the forefront of individuals involved in education. This discussion made us focus on why we need to be looking for new technologies all the time. In my post I explained how the educator in the case study needed to use what she had learned about the new technology in the classroom. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This ties in with the college of education conceptual framework because understanding new technologies is transformational in itself. Learning a new technology helps to transform the way classes are taught. Return to standards table

10 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Educational technology leaders plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Design developmentally appropriate learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the diverse needs of learners. Leaders: We believe that candidates should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change. Artifact: Creating a Wiki Course: Medt 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NETS Reflection: Creating a wiki is very appropriate for advancing technology in the classroom. Soon they will be common place. Allowing teachers to use wikis in the classroom setting will allow students to keep up with their work and others progress as well. Conceptual Framework Reflection: To create a wiki you have to effectively lead by developing the wiki on the right topic creating the right links. Therefore, those that participate in the wiki are able to make their posts more effectively because the wiki leader provided an effective space for their posts and participation. b. Apply current research on teaching and learning with technology when planning learning environments and experiences. Reflective: We believe that candidates should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change. Artifact: Using Research Course: Medt 8484 Research Nets Reflection: Research is the basis to a successful classroom. Many times research will help an individual find the basis to creating a better classroom. The article I reviewed discussed how technology can impact learning in the classroom. Reflecting on this article makes me want to use technology more in the classroom. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Reviewing articles and placing them in your own perspective is very important in education. After reflecting on the article that I reviewed I feel that technology can create a positive learning environment. Return to standards table

11 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Educational technology leaders plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Identify and locate technology resources and evaluate them for accuracy and suitability. Proactive: We believe that candidates should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede life-long learning and hinder transformational systemic change. Artifact: Blogger Course: Medt 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NET Reflection: A blog is a tool that has been around for a while but it has not been used in the classroom much. The main reason is because teachers have a hard time managing who can access a student’s blog. Once blogs are able to be managed they will be used in the classroom more. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Implementing a blog into my own classroom would be very much removing a barrier. A barrier that has existed for a while because the administration is afraid of blogs because of the access they have to the outside world. I understand that they are trying to protect the children but we have to be proactive in implementing technology. d. Plan for the management of technology resources within the context of learning activities. Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change. Artifact: Presentation Tools Course: 7462 NET Reflection: It is a challenge to get students to collaborate. I feel that Slide Share, an online program is very useful in getting students to collaborate with each other or projects. Slide Share could also be used for the teacher to collaborate with the students on the work that they are completing I look forward to using it in the classroom. Return to standards table

12 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-II. Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences Educational technology leaders plan, design, and model effective learning environments and multiple experiences supported by technology. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections e. Plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology-enhanced environment. Proactive: The candidate should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede lifelong learning and hinder transformational systemic change. Artifact: Slide Share Course: 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NETS Reflection: This Artifact meets the NETS standards because one of the factors is that as a teacher an individual is suppose to provide digital age learning experiences. Slide Share is an excellent program that allows students to collaborate in a setting that is technology enhanced like a lab. Students can edit the same slideshow from multiple computers. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Slide Share removes barriers that individual computers pose to collaboration. Many times student’s do not collaborate effectively when separated by computer in a lab setting. Slide Share will allow them to collaborate more effectively. f. Identify and apply instructional design principles associated with the development of technology resources. Artifact: Discussion Tech Course: 7464 Semester: Fall 2010 NETS Reflection: This discussion was in regards to the development of technology resources and how administration decides to place these resources from an instructional design point of view. Carrollton High School structure is to make technology as plentiful as possible. For example, in the discussion resources are mainly computer labs which are on every hall. In one instance there are 3 labs on one hall. Conceptual Framework Reflection: The discussion on technology is in line with the college of education because of the way that Carrollton High School removed barriers. As discussed in the artifact the high school worked to eliminate barriers by placing technology in almost every corner of the school and even providing some with the ability to take computers and other equipment home. Return to standards table

13 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Educational technology leaders model, design, and disseminate plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student technology standards. Leaders: We believe that candidates should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change Artifact: Creating a Wiki Course: Medt 7464 Semester: Spring 2010 NETS Reflection: Creating a wiki is very appropriate for advancing technology in the classroom. Soon they will be common place. Allowing teachers to use wikis in the classroom setting will allow students to keep up with there work and others progress as well. Conceptual Framework Reflection: To create a wiki you have to effectively lead by developing the wiki on the right topic creating the right links. Therefore, those that participate in the wiki are able to make their posts more effectively because the wiki leader provided an effective space for their posts and participation. b. Use technology to support learner-centered strategies that address the diverse needs of students. Proactive: The candidate should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede lifelong learning and hinder transformational systemic change. Artifact: Google Earth Course: Medt 7472 NETS Reflection: Google Earth really helps to support learner centered strategies. The main way is because it shows the user the information in many different ways. It shows the user the information that they are searching for in several different ways. It shows them through pictures words and satellite images. This reaches different types of learners. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Using Google Earth is proactive because it removes the barriers that exist when a student does not learn well a certain way. Using Google Earth teaches in many different ways so students with different learning styles can learn just as well as others. Since Google Earth uses many different ways to show a map of the earth, educators are being proactive by using it because there will be different types of learners in every classroom. Return to standards table

14 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Educational technology leaders model, design, and disseminate plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Apply technology to demonstrate students' higher-order skills and creativity. Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change. Artifact: Creating a Wiki Course: Medt 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NETS Reflection: Creating a wiki is very appropriate for advancing technology in the classroom. Soon they will be common place. Allowing teachers to use wikis in the classroom setting will allow students to keep up with there work and others progress as well. Wikis also allow many students to collaborate on the same topic. Conceptual Framework Reflection: To create a wiki you have to effectively lead by developing the wiki on the right topic creating the right links. Therefore, those that participate in the wiki are able to make their posts more effectively because the wiki leader provided an effective space for their posts and participation. d. Manage student learning activities in a technology-enhanced environment. Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. Artifact: Interview Course: Medt 8461 Semester: Sum 2010 NETS Reflection The Interview activity was very helpful to me as teacher because I got to talk to the person that was in charge of instructional technology at Pointe South Middle School. She describes how it was her job to assist teachers in using technology in their classroom. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This meets the COE standard of knowledgeable because the interview I did with the Instructional designer at Pointe South helped me to gain advanced knowledge of how technology is implemented in a school system. Return to standards table

15 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum Educational technology leaders model, design, and disseminate plans that include methods and strategies for applying technology to maximize student learning. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections e. Use current research and district/state/national content and technology standards to build lessons and units of instruction. Reflective: The candidate should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change. Artifact: SWOT Analysis Paper  Course: 8463 Semester: Summer 2009 NETS Reflection: This paper uses research to discuss the benefits and weaknesses of using technology in the classroom. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This paper is transformational because since I wrote it I have decided to not overuse technology in my classroom. I make sure that the technology is appropriate for the lesson being taught. Return to standards table

16 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-IV. Assessment and Evaluation Educational technology leaders communicate research on the use of technology to implement effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Apply technology in assessing student learning of subject matter using a variety of assessment techniques. Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. Artifact: 7472_Bakerpodcast_bjb Course: 7472 NETS Reflection: I really think that the use of podcast permit the educator to control the environment the student is subject to. It is prerecorded so there are no internet problems. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This is knowledge based because with a podcast the teacher takes the lead in directing the students work, b. Use technology resources to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings to improve instructional practice and maximize student learning. Empathetic: The candidate should be able to develop the sensitivity for individual, family, and institutional needs that will embrace transformational systemic change. Artifact: Student Interview Course: 8461 NETS Reflection: The Artifact is an interview with an 11th grade student. We wanted to collect data on how the student felt about technology at his school and how important he thought it was. I think this helps leadership interpret results because it is coming directly from the student. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This is being empathetic to the needs of the students because we are getting there answers and trying to change according to them. Return to standards table

17 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-IV. Assessment and Evaluation Educational technology leaders communicate research on the use of technology to implement effective assessment and evaluation strategies. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Apply multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. Reflective: The candidate should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change. Artifact: Website Implementation Course:8461 Nets Reflection: The artifact was assigned to get the students to diagnosis a failed implementation in our school. No school is perfect so we all were able to find something in our school that failed. At the school I teach at the teacher websites failed to be implemented successfully. We had an in-service describing how to create the classroom sites and how they should be used. More than half of the teachers did not do them. They could have increased classroom productivity and parent communication. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This meets the COE framework because this is a reflection of how the implementation failed and why. I think it is important to understand why if we are ever to move forward. Return to standards table

18 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-V. Productivity and Professional Practice Educational technology leaders design, develop, evaluate and model products created using technology resources to improve and enhance their productivity and professional practice. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Use technology resources to engage in ongoing professional development and lifelong learning. Inquisitive: The candidate should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change. Artifact: Project Based Learning Course: Medt 7464 Semester: Spring 2010 NET Reflection: This activity was a PBL assignment. It got us to create a In-service for teachers as a group. We had to come up with a deficiency and find a way to meet that deficiency. It was specific to the schools we already worked at. We had to use a variety of different technology resources to engage students and change the culture of technology at our schools. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This activity forces the student to create change in his or her own school. We had to figure out what a specific need was, determine the audience and the solution. We used different forms of technology b. Continually evaluate and reflect on professional practice to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of student learning. Decisive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate critical thinking skills in the diagnosis and prescription for transformational systemic change. Artifact: Reflection of Learning Course: Medt 8480 NET Reflection: This activity was a summative reflective of the work completed in that course where I evaluated a program. The course I evaluated was a summer academic camp. I had to reflect on my experiences there and write how I would use it to my benefit in the classroom. This activity fits the framework of the college of education because it wants the educator to reflect and use critical thinking skills and scholarly articles to determine how to use what they have learned. Return to standards table

19 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-V. Productivity and Professional Practice Educational technology leaders design, develop, evaluate and model products created using technology resources to improve and enhance their productivity and professional practice. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Apply technology to increase productivity. Decisive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and skills when making decisions that will influence effective transformational systemic change. Artifact: Innovation Flow Chart Course: Medt 8463 Semester: Sum 2009 NET Reflection: This activity helps an individual to see loss so that they can easily eliminate it. A flow chart lays everything out in an order that is very easy to see an distinguish. In this flow chart I explained how schools compare to manufacturers and how innovation affects this supply chain. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This fits the COE framework because students are able in the flow chart changing just one step in it can create a dramatic change for any step that follows. d. Use technology to communicate and collaborate with peers, parents, and the larger community in order to nurture student learning. Proactive: We believe that candidates should be able to advocate for the removal of barriers that impede life-long learning and hinder transformational systemic change. Artifact: Blogger Course: Medt 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NET Reflection: A blog is a tool that has been around for a while but it has not been used in the classroom much. The main reason is because teachers have a hard time managing who can access a student’s blog. Once blogs are able to be managed they will be used in the classroom more. Implementing a blog into my own classroom would be very much removing a barrier. A barrier that has existed for a while because the administration is afraid of blogs because of the access they have to the outside world. I understand that they are trying to protect the children but we have to be proactive in implementing technology. Return to standards table

20 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Educational technology leaders understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and develop programs facilitating application of that understanding in practice throughout their district/region/state. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use. Leading: The candidate should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change. Artifact Professional Development Course: 8463 NETS Reflection: This research paper describes how to best use professional development as a means of improving the way a teacher instructs. One of the articles in the paper describes how leaders need to not only instruct teachers on how to use the new for of technology in the classroom but also follow up with them and give them hands on activities. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This research paper helps a candidate to develop leadership by using the research to guide the way they will teach as instructional leaders. Therefore, they are transformational because they are changing the way things are done. b. Apply technology resources to enable and empower learners with diverse backgrounds, characteristics, and abilities. Adaptive: The candidate should be able to demonstrate flexibility and strategic planning appropriate to a wide variety of learners for effective transformational systemic change. Artifact: Blogger Course: Medt 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NET Reflection: A blog is a tool that has been around for a while but it has not been used in the classroom much. The main reason is because teachers have a hard time managing who can access a student’s blog. Once blogs are able to be managed they will be used in the classroom more. This technology can reach many different backgrounds through the use of video and audio as well as the text language. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Implementing a blog into my own classroom would be very much removing a barrier. A barrier that has existed for a while because the administration is afraid of blogs because of the access they have to the outside world. I understand that they are trying to protect the children but we have to be proactive in implementing technology. This technology allows for teachers to adapt the way that students user the blog and how information is presented. Return to standards table

21 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Educational technology leaders understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and develop programs facilitating application of that understanding in practice throughout their district/region/state. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Identify and use technology resources that affirm diversity. Culturally Sensitive: The candidate should be able to develop awareness and understanding of individual and group differences when diagnosing and prescribing transformational systemic change. Artifacts: Program and Focus Course : 8463 NETS Reflection: In the program and focus assignment we took the time to figure out what was the reason why we decided to get into instructional technology and how we planned on focusing our career. To do this we had to identify technology resources that reach a diverse audience. Conceptual Framework Reflection: The program and focus assignment is in itself culturally sensitive because it forces the student to figure out exactly what they want and how they plan on accomplishing these goals in instructional technology. The student has to take into account the background of the individuals they are teaching. d. Promote safe and healthy use of technology resources. Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. Artifact: 7472_Bakerpodcast_bjb Course: 7472 I really think that the use of podcast permit the educator to control the environment the student is subject to. It is prerecorded so there are no internet problems. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This is knowledge based because with a podcast the teacher takes the lead in directing the students work, Return to standards table

22 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VI. Social, Ethical, Legal, and Human Issues Educational technology leaders understand the social, ethical, legal, and human issues surrounding the use of technology in PK-12 schools and develop programs facilitating application of that understanding in practice throughout their district/region/state. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections e. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students. Leading: The candidate should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change. Artifact: SWOT Analysis Paper  Course: 8463 Semester: Summer 2009 NETS Reflection: This paper uses research to discuss the benefits and weaknesses of using technology in the classroom. It can help a teacher to realize the best way provide technology to all students. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This paper can be used a roadmap for teachers to lead and facilitate access to technology resources. Return to standards table

23 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments. Educational technology leaders coordinate development and direct implementation of technology infrastructure procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for PK-12 schools. Educational technology leaders: : Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Use the school technology facilities and resources to implement classroom instruction. Life Long Learners: We believe that candidates should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change. Artifact: Course:Medt 7464 Semester: Fall 2009 NETS Reflection: This relates to the NETS standard because using a new technology is very important to anyone in education. Voicethread is a fairly new presentation tool. I had to learn how to use it as a presentation tool by creating a presentation on the solar system. The presentation was meant to us e give students more information on the solar system. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This is within the college of educations conceptual framework because Voicethread is a new presentation tool that individuals would have to want to learn to use it. It is not a tool that would just come up. It is not very widespread right now so teachers would have to have a lifelong learner characteristic. This characteristic forced me to want to learn more about Voicethread and not get scared away from it. b. Follow procedures and guidelines used in planning and purchasing technology resources. Leading: The candidate should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change. Artifact: Interview Course: Medt 8461 Semester: Fall 2010 NET Reflection: In this interview with Nancy Hawkins, I was able to find out the policies and procedures that were in place to introduce new technology or create a new policy concerning technology. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Mrs. Hawkins was a leader at Pointe South in regards to technology so I was able to get the inside track as to how technology and the technology plan was developed. Return to standards table

24 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VII. Procedures, Policies, Planning, and Budgeting for Technology Environments. Educational technology leaders coordinate development and direct implementation of technology infrastructure procedures, policies, plans, and budgets for PK-12 schools. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Participate in professional development opportunities related to management of school facilities, technology resources, and purchases. Knowledgeable: The candidate should be able to demonstrate general knowledge inherent in a liberal arts curriculum, advanced knowledge in content areas, and specific knowledge in professional education for the implementation of transformational systemic change. Artifact Professional Development Course: 8463 NETS Reflection: This research paper describes how to best use professional development as a means of improving the way a teacher instructs. One of the articles in the paper describes how leaders need to not only instruct teachers on how to use the new technology in the classroom but also follow up with them and give them hands on activities. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This research paper helps a candidate to develop leadership by using the research to guide the way they will teach as instructional leaders. Therefore, they are transformational because they are changing the way things are done. Return to standards table

25 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VIII. Leadership and Vision Educational technology leaders will facilitate development of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of the vision. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections a. Identify and apply educational and technology-related research, the psychology of learning, and instructional design principles in guiding the use of computers and technology in education. Leading: The candidate should be able to demonstrate effective leadership skills to initiate and facilitate transformational systemic change. Artifact: Project Based Learning Course: Medt 7464 Semester: Spring 2010 NET Reflection: This activity was a PBL assignment. It got us to create a In-service for teachers as a group. We had to come up with a deficiency and find a way to meet that deficiency. It was specific to the schools we already worked at. We had to use a variety of different technology resources to engage students and change the culture of technology at our schools. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This activity forces the student to create change in his or her own school. We had to figure out what a specific need was, determine the audience and the solution. We used different forms of technology b. Apply strategies for and knowledge of issues related to managing the change process in schools. This activity meets the COE standard because as teachers of a in-service we are leading the other teachers with skills they can use in the classroom to run a more efficient work session for their students. We incorporated technology into the lesson they use with their students. Return to standards table

26 COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections
TL-VIII. Leadership and Vision Educational technology leaders will facilitate development of a shared vision for comprehensive integration of technology and foster an environment and culture conducive to the realization of the vision. Educational technology leaders: Performance Indicator COE Conceptual Framework Indicator Artifacts and Reflections c. Apply effective group process skills. Collaborative: The candidate should be able to develop skills to work effectively with various stakeholders involved in the educational process that will bring about transformational systemic change. Artifact: Google Docs Course: 7462 Semester: Spring 2010 NET Reflection: The goggle documents activity was a very opening experience. We had to create a project based learning proposal and we had to do it as a group. The hard part was that we had to do it online as a group so we used Google Docs to collaborate. Conceptual Framework Reflection: Google Docs is a collaborative tool so it fits perfectly in the COE framework of working effectively with other stakeholders in a collaborative setting. d. Lead in the development and evaluation of district technology planning and implementation. Inquisitive: The candidate should seek continually to improve their knowledge, disposition, and skills to influence transformational systemic change. Artifact: Interview Course: Medt 8461 Semester: Fall 2010 NET Reflection: This interview was with the main technology contact at Pointe South Middle school. She collaborated with the county and school level personal to implement new technology resources. During my interview I learned a lot about the policies and procedures. Conceptual Framework Reflection: This interview helped me to build my knowledge policies and procedures outside the classroom. I learned a lot about the goals of the county as a whole, when it comes to technology. e. Engage in supervised field-based experiences with accomplished technology facilitators and/or directors. Return to standards table

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