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In Mr. Mildon’s Classroom But Not Just in Mr. Mildon’s Classroom

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1 In Mr. Mildon’s Classroom But Not Just in Mr. Mildon’s Classroom
Movie Etiquette In Mr. Mildon’s Classroom But Not Just in Mr. Mildon’s Classroom

2 What does it say about our society and your generation that movie theatres have to reward people to not use their cell phones during a movie? What does it say that movie theatres need to play this message before every film?

3 Watch Video 1

4 What Is Movie Etiquette?
It is the way people should behave in a movie theatre. Definition: People (For this lesson, Me, Myself, and I are considered people) Definition: Movie Theatre – A place where two or more people gather to watch a movie.

5 Does Movie Etiquette Apply to Other Venues?
Yes! Movie Etiquette applies to many other places where people gather to enjoy performances, lectures, learning, etc.

6 What Are Some Examples of Places That Movie Etiquette Applies?
Movie Theatres Plays Musicals Operas Symphonies Libraries Classrooms Ballet Ballroom Dance Orchestras Piano Concerts Many Many Other Examples… And of course, MR. MILDON’s Class!

7 Are There Places Where I Don’t Have to Observe Movie Etiquette?
Yes! Rock Concerts Loud Cheering Sporting Events (not golf) Watching a Movie on YOUR OWN TV (Your friends can choose to leave) Elementary Playground The City Dump

8 OK, So What Are The Rules? (Write These Down!!)

9 Watch Video 2

10 Let Me Make Sure I Understood Those Rules:
In a movie, eat very quietly. If anyone can hear me, stop eating!! At more expensive entertainment such as plays, musicals, symphonies- Don’t Eat! DO NOT TALK! PERIOD! NO EXCEPTIONS! Don’t annoy or distract anyone!

11 OK. Great. I Can Handle That. Is That All?
NO- There’s More… Write These Down!

12 Watch Video 3

13 Recap 1- Shut-up 2- Shut your friends up
3- If late, sit in the first seat you come to 4- No snacking 5- Stop Texting – No Phones! 6- Don’t talk about the movie right after the movie (What did he say about themes?)

14 Ok, I Get The Picture. What Happens If I Break A Rule?
Never, Ever, Ever, Never break a RULE! Never! But if you do…

15 Watch Video 4

16 REMEMBER Your parent’s did you a disservice all those years when they told you how special and important you are. YOU ARE NOT more important than the other 400 people in the movie theatre (or other venue). You are not more important than the 35 other people in this classroom! Stop thinking that you are. Use MOVIE ETIQUETTE. Remember the rules!

17 Remember Continued… SHUT UP

18 One Last Item These Are The Things You Can Do
Laugh when it is appropriate Cry quietly Be scared – when appropriate Hold a dates hand (Do not make out. No one wants to see that) Clap at the end. Especially on opening night.

19 The END Any Questions???

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