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The American Revolution

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1 The American Revolution
Brinkley pgs

2 Lecture Questions How was the United State’s able to beat a world super power, such as England? What is the significance of the Battle of Saratoga? What were some of the strategies and motivations for fighting? What are the social political and economic effects of the war including the effect on African slavery Native Americans and women?

3 The Significance of the American Revolution By. Gordon S
The Significance of the American Revolution By. Gordon S. Wood Brown University

4 American Advantages Fighting on their own land, Home-field advantage.
American Patriots were deeply committed to the conflict. Americans benefited from substantial aid from abroad – France.

5 American Militia Militias were formed for defense
NOT professional soldiers Were citizen soldiers, served from age 16 to 60 Militia sometimes stopped fighting when they felt like it No formal terms of enlistment Only supposed to protect local areas

6 3 Phases of the War First Phase: 1775-1776 New England
British did not take American Revolt Seriously. Battle of Bunker Hill Evacuation Day March 17,1776 British Leave Boston for Nova-Scotia

7 Second Phase Second Phase: 1776-1778 The Middle Colonies
British thought if they maintain control of New York they could isolate New England. Turning Point in the War: Battle of Saratoga  October 1777. Difficult for British to control vast wilderness of North America Showed France that colonists were a formidable force. 1778 France formally recognized the United States and agreed to supply it with military assistance.

8 Treaty of Paris Third Phase: 1778-1781 Southern Colonies
British hoping to rally Loyalist sentiment. Did not get the support they were counting on. October 1781 Joint American French campaign forces General Cornwallis to surrender essentially ending the war Treaty of Paris 1783 American delegates Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay Agreed to treaty without French Peace Treaty signed September 3, 1783 Britain, France, Spain and United States agreed England recognize US independence US boundaries set at Mississippi River US have trading access to river Americans could fish off Canada America should pay debts owed to Britain Congress agreed to recommend returning Loyalist property

9 Costs of the American Revolution Andrew Robertson

10 Economic Effect Inflation
Common people unwilling to join war effort, distinct division between rich and the poor. End of imperial restrictions on American shipping opened up enormous new areas of trade to the nation. American begin making their own cloth, industrial enterprise. Revolution did not revolutionize the economy “but it did serve to release a wide range of entrepreneurial energies that, despite the temporary dislocations, encouraged growth and diversification.” (Brinkley pg. 146)

11 Women and the War Wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters were left in charge of farms and businesses. Those whose husband did not have a farm or shop to fall back on struggles  significant populations of impoverished women. Out of economic necessity and out of fear of being driven from there home by the British or disease (smallpox) women “flocked in increasing numbers to the camps of the Patriot armies to join their male relatives.” (Brinkley pg. 144) Women in the army increase morale, performed necessary tasks  cooking laundry and nursing. Women became involved in battle. “in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than you ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands.” Letter to husband John Adams.

12 Calls for Women’s rights
During and after the Revolution women’s rights to vote are debated. Abigail Adams Support for education of women and for other feminist reforms. Few concrete reforms became either law or common social practice. States dealt with individual women's rights such as obtaining divorce. Patriarchal structure of American society, actually confirmed and strengthened. Revolution encouraged people of both genders to reevaluate the contribution of women to the family and society. “Wives were still far apart from equal partners in marriage but their ideas, interests, and domestic roles received increased respect.” “regard us as the beings placed by providence under your protection and in imitation of the Supreme Being make use of that power only for our happiness.”

13 Women and the American Revolution By
Women and the American Revolution By. Carol Berkin City University of New York

14 Native Americans and the War
American patriots and British tried to persuade NA to remain neutral. Most tribes ultimately chose to stay out of the war. Weakened position of NA : Increased white demand for western lands Deeply resented the assistance the Mohawk and other Indian nations had given the British and insisted on threating them as conquered people. Did little to settle conflict.

15 Slavery and the War Limited but profound significance.

16 Slavery and the American Revolution By. James O
Slavery and the American Revolution By. James O. Horton George Washington University

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