Problems for CPR online: Dial: Hit ext. 3 CPR Online Go to:

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Presentation on theme: "Problems for CPR online: Dial: Hit ext. 3 CPR Online Go to:"— Presentation transcript:

1 CPR Online Go to:
Problems for CPR online: Dial: Hit ext. 3 CPR Online Go to: If you used the online and will be expiring, you do not need to register again. If you have forgotten your password, you can either click on their website to have it ed to you; or you can call the hit 3 number and they will give to you over the phone. Click here to begin registration. 1/11/2019

2 Make sure you scroll down to register
Remember your password it will be needed if you exit and re-enter the program. Make sure you scroll down to register 1/11/2019

3 Type in your 12-digit Key Code
Click activate Key Type in your 12-digit Key Code Click the box next to “I Agree to the terms and conditions.” Click “Activate” 1/11/2019

4 All checkpoints marked in red are required.
Select your course All checkpoints marked in red are required. 1/11/2019

5 For further information, please contact:
Within the checkpoints, please read through the questions and possible answers carefully before answering. If you answer incorrectly within a checkpoint, the system will take you back to the beginning of the scenario and you will need to start over.  If you are unsure of an answer, select REVIEW, then answer the question.  You do NOT need to finish the entire course in a single sitting.  Each completed exercise will be recorded and remembered the next time you log into the course with your and password created during the registration process.    After you have finished all the checkpoints, you will be able to access the AHA multiple choice test which completes the online portion of the course. You must pass the test with a score of 84% or better.  Please complete the AHA multiple choice test in a single sitting, making sure all questions have been answered and only click on each answer once. If you fail Version A test, you will be given access to Version B test. Once you have successfully completed the test, you will be given access to your Certificate of Completion. Please print the Certificate of Completion and present it to an AHA BLS Instructor to receive your hands-on Skills Test.  After successful completion of both the online component and the skills test, a BLS HCP course card will be issued.  Please note: You must schedule and complete your Skills Test within 60 days upon completion of the online component of the course.  For review or reference, you will have online access to the course material for up to 12 months after completion of the test; simply log onto and enter your and password for entry.  If you need technical assistance, please contact or call AHA-8883 ( ) 9am-5pm EST Monday-Friday.  For all other inquires, please contact Customer Service directly at   Thank you and have a great day. For further information, please contact: Laura Thompson – or Juanita Groves – 1/11/2019

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