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Plenty of Americans in Need of Foot Care

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2 Plenty of Americans in Need of Foot Care
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were approximately 9,800 podiatrists in the US during The median compensation for podiatrists was $124,830, one of the lowest of any type of specialist physician. US News & World Report predicted that podiatry will increase by 14% from 2014 to 2024, as a result of an increasing US population, an aging population and more diabetic patients, which frequently leads to foot problems. Among all Americans, 77% experience foot pain, causing 51% of adults to restrict their activities, and 83% of those with regular foot pain restrict walking and standing.

3 Few Consumers Have Podiatrists on Speed Dial
Foot care is low on Americans’ list of health priorities, less than heart, eyes, teeth, skin and nutrition, but more than regular exercise; however, 84% said they agree that it is important to pay attention to feet and seek any necessary care. There has been an increase in the desire to learn more about foot care: 63% of consumers want to know more about foot care, 50% want to know where to find the best local podiatrist and 47% want to know where to find help for foot pain or ailments. Even so, only 37% would go to a podiatrist for foot help or advice, after their primary care physician, 60%; general online search, 48%; and a health-specific Website search, 46%. Only 31% are very familiar with what a podiatrist does, less than other specialties.

4 Inside the podiatric Practice
Podiatry Management’s 2017 Annual Survey found that 76% of podiatrists are men and 24% women. Approximately one-quarter of podiatrists are in the 30–40, 51–60 and 61–70 age brackets, or 24%, 26% and 23%, respectively, with 18% 41–50 years old. More than half (54%) of podiatrists surveyed had been in practice 21 years or more, with 21%, 21 to 30 years, and 33%, more than 30 years. Only 22% were in practice 5 years or fewer, and 23% had practiced 6 to 20 years. The average podiatrist treated more patients during 2016 than 2015, 88.4 compared to This is attributed to larger practices that are more efficient and more patients with health insurance through the Affordable Care Act.

5 Practice Management Solo doctors earned 13% more during 2015, or a media gross income of $256,000. A larger patient base, higher fees, establishing Centers of Excellence in specific areas, specialized services and dispensing ancillary products contributed to the increase. On average, fees increased 2% from Overhead costs for practices increased from 2015, including office space, +22%; fixed equipment, +44%; bio/pathology lab expenses, +54%; and orthotic lab expenses, +41%. Podiatrists spent an average of $5,390 on advertising, 11% more than during 2015.

6 Moving Forward More podiatrists will join multi-doctor practices, as they can make more money there, with an average net income of $148,250 for group practices, compared to $119,750 for solo practices. To boost revenues, more practices will dispense both medications and orthotics. Podiatrists spent more time in the operating room during 2016 than during the past, with 77% operating at least some time each week. This trend should continue.

7 Advertising Strategies
Consumers need information about how podiatrists can help them improve their foot health. Offer free foot care talks in the community, at hospitals, sports leagues and community centers. Let prospective patients know how satisfied patients are with their podiatrist experience. Communicate how you can provide quick and effective relief from the most common foot problems as a more beneficial alternative to over-the-counter remedies.

8 New Media Strategies Ask for reviews, even video testimonials, as the last step of every appointment. Since patients frequently first research foot problems online, create a blog to highlight foot issues, therapies and, of course, include links to make appointments. Advertise on Facebook to older prospective patients, people with diabetes and people having trouble participating in regular activities in your area.


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