Background Information

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1 Background Information
ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE Background Information From northern Mesopotamia (Ashur) More temperate climate, but more exposed to raiders & intruders Built empire along the existing trade routes West – Mediterranean East – Iran South - Babylonia

2 ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE God and King
Regarded as the center of the universe… Surrogates of the gods – acted on their behalf

3 ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE God and King (cont.)
Secular Duties of King: receiving information hearing and deciding on complaints carrying out diplomacy military leadership

4 ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE God and King (cont.)
Religious Duties of King: supervision of the state religion performance of public and private rituals consulting and gaining the approval of the gods

5 ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE Conquest and Control
Army (500,000 soldiers) used specialized units and a variety of technology : Professional Soldiers Iron weapons Cavalry Couriers Signal fires Spy networks

6 Conquest and Control (cont.)
ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE Conquest and Control (cont.) Conquest strategies: Terror - Scare tactics: Flayed Impaled Beheaded (first if they were lucky) Burnt alive Eyes ripped out fingers, noses and ears cut off

7 Conquest and Control (cont.)
ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE Conquest and Control (cont.) Conquest strategies: Mass deportations Attempt to destroy the morale of the enemy Transfer needed laborers to the core area of the empire

8 Conquest and Control (cont.)
ASSYRIAN EMPIRE, 911 – 612 BCE Conquest and Control (cont.) Notes about Empire: Looser control further a location is from center Provincial centers are established to ensure tribute to King Ruthless exploitation of subjects Invested in provincial infrastructure

9 Celtic SOCIETY, ca. 500 BCE Religion Activities organized by Druids:
Worshiped over 400 deities Modern day holidays have Celtic Roots (Halloween and May Day) Naturalist focus No temples; worshipped in natural settings Belief in afterlife, evidenced by burial rituals. Belief in reincarnation (spirit is reborn into a new body)

10 Celtic SOCIETY, ca. 500 BCE Cultural Appearance: Burly Red Haired
Shaggy Facial Hair Loud Fond of war and fighting Courageous and emotional Lived in hill forts Exposed to outside forces through trading with Mediterranean people

11 Celtic SOCIETY, ca. 500 BCE Social Order Warrior Class
Owned land and livestock Monopoly on land and power Priests and Bards (poets) Common class Worked land for warriors

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