Group 8 Intrnational exchange Gimnazija Brežice & Heimschule Lender Sasbach Foodstuffs in Germany and Slovenia 29. 9. 2012 Aljaz Kosmac, Tjasa Tomse,

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Presentation on theme: "Group 8 Intrnational exchange Gimnazija Brežice & Heimschule Lender Sasbach Foodstuffs in Germany and Slovenia 29. 9. 2012 Aljaz Kosmac, Tjasa Tomse,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 8 Intrnational exchange Gimnazija Brežice & Heimschule Lender Sasbach Foodstuffs in Germany and Slovenia Aljaz Kosmac, Tjasa Tomse, Larissa Hockenberger, Maja Kroselj Group 7

2 Prologue We will talk about food in Germany and Slovenia.
Slovenia does not export much food to Germany, whereas in Slovenia you find quite a lot of German products.

3 Becks Founded in 1875. Doughter company of Anheuser-Busch company.
Seated in Bremen. Export to more than 120 countries.

4 Haribo Registered in the Commercial Register in 1920. Seated in Bonn.
Every country has another slogan.

5 Dr. Oetker Main company is Dr. August Oetker KG. Seat is in Bielefeld.
40 manufacturing- and distribution companies. Whole corporation has 9800 employees. It produces convenience blend and frozen food.

6 Ritter Sport Founded by Clara and Alfred E. Ritter in 1912.
Sold as Ritter Sport chocolate in 1932. Slogan: Quadratisch, praktisch, Gut.

7 Slovenian foodstuff We found out that there is not a lot of Slovenian food in Germany. There is a website where you can order Slovenian wine.

8 Thank you for your attention. Danke für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
Hvala za vašo pozornost.

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