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Breakout Group 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Breakout Group 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Breakout Group 1

2 Concept of Translation Research
Translational research Transition from basic science to clinical research T1 to T2 to T3

3 Key knowledge that we need
Defining the Gestome What is the normal pregnancy? Is easy measure of gestational age the primary outcome we should assess or should we assess fetal maturation

4 PTB clinical trials Restrictive nature of trials on pregnant women
Stratification of pregnancy to high risk vs non-high risk Do what we know works – e.g., reducing smoking Make clinical trials more efficient via better less restrictive design Better phenotyping

5 Advocacy Take a more positive tack on presenting work and translatability Engage patients Use social media to improve engagement Graphic messaging

6 Training of investigators
Cross training for translational research Basic to Clinical Clinical to Basic Continuous feedback Train to be entrepreneurial Co-mentoring for diverse intellectual approaches and shared lexicons

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