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The leading independent & multilingual EU policy portal

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1 The leading independent & multilingual EU policy portal
Presentation Annual Meeting GSN 2004

2 The leading independent & multilingual EU policy portal

3 The leading independent & multilingual EU policy portal

4 The leading independent & multilingual EU policy portal

5 Environment and sustainable development policies
Two policy sections look at main story developments and monitor most interesting policy debates (e.g. REACH, batteries, liability, SCALE…) EurActiv’s added-value: complementing the institutional debate with lobbying positions from civil society (industry, NGOs, think tanks) Crosslinking topics covered with other policy areas (horizontality)

6 How EurActiv works with environmental actors
Receiving press releases and invitations press conference Monitoring websites Individual contacts with researchers, communication people Background information, interviews..

7 How to communicate with the international press?
Some basis rules – no miracle solutions Don’t overestimate journalists : keep it simple although environmental messages are sometimes complex; Always link environmental stories with economic concerns: journalist, like ordinary citizens, think with their wallet; Become a resource for the journalist: help him when he needs more explanation or background material: journalists are lazy, they like others to do the work for them; Point the journalists to opposing ideas ; journalists like conflict; it is the basis for any story… Use each communication channel (TV, radio, paper, internet) for its strengths: internet: no space constraints, hyperlinks, easy to update

8 Moving environment up the media agenda
More challenging Stop defining the issues as “protection of the environment” (defensive) and define them as ecology-economics problems; Presupposes that politicians, political communicators and press understand the interrelationship between “ecological capital” (natural resources, energy, material flows, waste streams) and the economy; Problem is that our measuring instruments of economic development/growth are flawed (GDP adds up negative externalities); Need to develop better indicators for sustainability, economic responsible growth;

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