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Barbie Bungee Jump Question:

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Presentation on theme: "Barbie Bungee Jump Question:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Barbie Bungee Jump Question:
How many rubber bands will it take for Barbie to safely Bungee off of the stairwell balcony?

2 You know what Bungee jumping is, right?

3 STEP #1 Everyone needs to have a job. What is yours? Dropper
Eyeballer (2) Recorder

4 STEP #2 The recorder needs to get all supplies: 1 Barbie
Graphing calculator Yard Stick Masking Tape 15-20 rubber bands

5 STEP #3 Using two rubber bands, tie a noose using a slip knot.

6 STEP #4 Then wrap one end repeatedly around Barbie's ankles
STEP #4 Then wrap one end repeatedly around Barbie's ankles. Be sure the rubber band is on tight enough not to fall off when she is being dropped.

7 STEP #5 Use your tape to attach the yard stick to the wall – vertically. The top of the yard stick will be Barbie’s jumping point.

8 STEP #6 Attach another rubber band to the first one, again using a slip knot.

9 STEP #7 With two rubber bands now attached, hold the end of the rubber bands at the jump line. With one hand, the dropper will drop Barbie from the line with the other hand. The spotters will determine the lowest point Barbie reached. After the spotters agree on the measurement, the recorder writes down the data.

10 STEP #8 Measure the distance in centimeters and record in the data collection packet. Drop Barbie two more times, and then average the distances of the three total drops. Averaging ensures accuracy – Barbie’s life depends on it!

11 STEP #9 Repeatedly attach another rubber band for each set of three jumps, and record your data in the data collection packet.

12 STEP #10 Complete the rest of the data collection packet.
Work closely with your group to make accurate predictions. You will be notified when we are ready to drop Barbie from the stairwell balcony.

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