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Cell Scientists, Cell Size, and Cell Specialization Chap 7-1

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1 Cell Scientists, Cell Size, and Cell Specialization Chap 7-1

2 Robert Hooke 1665- ______________________
used a microscope to examine a thin slice of cork, a plant material, and saw “little boxes.” Robert Hooke He called them “CELLS” because they looked like the small rooms that monks lived in called cells. Microscope image: Cork image: Hooke image:

3 Anton van Leeuwenhoek 1673- ___________________________________
a Dutch microscope maker was the first to see LIVING UNICELLULAR ORGANISMS in pond water. Anton van Leeuwenhoek Microscope/Leeuwenhoek image: Animation from:

4 Soon after Van Leeuwenhoek…
Observations made it clear that CELLS were the basic units of life. Unicellular- one-celled Multicellular- many-celled

5 1838- German botanist __________________________concluded that
ALL PLANTS are made of cells Matthias Schleiden Plant image: Schleiden image:

6 Theodor Schwann 1839- German zoologist
_________________________concluded that Theodor Schwann ALL ANIMALS ARE MADE OF CELLS Schwann image: Animals image:

7 Rudolph Virchow 1855- German medical doctor _____________________
saw dividing cells in the microscope and reasoned that cells come from other cells Rudolph Virchow Virchow: Mitosis:

8 CELL THEORY 1. All living things are ________________________.
MADE OF CELLS 2. Cells are the basic unit of ____________ & _____________ in an organism. (cell = basic unit of _____________) STRUCTURE FUNCTION life 3. Cells come from the reproduction of ____________ cells existing Cell image:

9 Cells are diverse! Chaos chaos- a giant amoeba next to a paramecium
Both are unicellular (one-celled) organisms Right- Chaos “eating” a paramecium…

10 But all cells share these characteristics…
All cells are surrounded by a thin flexible barrier called the cell membrane. All cells (at some point in their lives) contain DNA.

11 CELL SIZE Typical cells range from: 5 – 50 micrometers (microns) in diameter

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