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Do We Need Baptism.

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1 Do We Need Baptism

2 Baptism Is : Baptism is the foundation of the spiritual life.
Baptism delivers man from the slavery of sin. Baptism gives us the Holy Spirit and His various gifts. Baptism is the remission of sins. Baptism is the death of sin. Baptism is new birth for the soul. Baptism is a garment of light. Baptism is the holy seal that cannot be erased.

3 Baptism Is : Baptism is the road to heaven.
Baptism is the bliss of paradise. Baptism is the gift of adoption. Baptism is the dwelling of the Holy Spirit in the soul. Through baptism, man becomes a new member in the body of Christ, the Son of God, and a temple of the Holy Spirit. Baptism is acquittal from imprisonment.

4 Baptism Is : Baptism is the secret of divine love.
Baptism gives you the kiss of divine love. Baptism is God’s acceptance of us before we accept, know, or love him. Baptism declares that Christ has done something [wonderful] for me without my consultation or waiting for my approval. Baptism is the death of Christ for me, and his salvation. Baptism is declaring the love of God for us, and will not change even if we are changing.

5 Baptism Is : Baptism is opening the heavens in a wonderful way.
Baptism is the gate for God’s various gifts which he has given us because of his love. Baptism makes us heirs to all of God’s riches. Baptism makes us members in his body, which is the church. Baptism is being bonded and united with Christ. Baptism is the continuous presence of Christ wherever we go or reside in any place in the world

6 Baptism Is : Baptism is the beginning for the journey of the kingdom.
Baptism is a victorious and crushing work over Satan. Baptism is departing from one master to another master; from Satan to Christ. Baptism is taking up the sign of the cross; the sign of victory which makes Satan escape. Baptism is the divine womb by which we receive the second birth so we can be children of God. Baptism is true death and true resurrection with Christ.

7 Baptism Is : Baptism is what gathers the shepherd with his lost sheep, and gives them new life. Baptism is the mystery of a holy foundation. Baptism removes the fig leaves which is the garment of misery, and puts on us the garment of glory. Baptism is the secret of our entry to light, and makes us sons of light. Baptism proceeds from the theological heritage of the church, and the practical work in life.

8 Baptism Is : Baptism is the foundation of salvation by faith.
Baptism grants the remission of sins, renewal, and the Holy Spirit. Baptism is the seed of redemption by which the new man reaches the full stature of Christ. Baptism is the seal of faith. Baptism is the sign of the cross, and the power of redemption. Baptism is a heavenly experience given to man. Baptism is what carries man and surrounds him. Baptism gives enlightenment and shines with light for knowledge.

9 Baptism Is : Baptism is God’s lamp inside those who are baptized, and have been enlightened. Baptism is continuous glorification for the work of God in man. Baptism is complete sanctification to the inner being of man. Baptism is the water of life, which casts away death to give immortality which is continuous life. Baptism is moving from death to life, and from darkness to light. Baptism is a divine invisible sacrament.

10 Baptism Is : Baptism is the understanding that water and the spirit are the source of life. Baptism is confessing the holy Trinity. Baptism is the grace of entering the kingdom. Baptism is participating in the Eucharist, and it is the provision for the way to the kingdom. Baptism gives enlightenment to show you the reality of what is perishable and what is imperishable. Baptism gives longing for the goal which has been formed in your depths, and the continuous pursuit of the kingdom.

11 Baptism Is : Baptism is incarnation, redemption, resurrection, and new eternal life created by his breath through the water and the spirit. Baptism is confessing with gratitude and thanksgiving and remembering the mercies and grace by which God has restored human nature which was corrupted. Baptism is achieving victory against all opposing powers. Baptism is restoring the open way which Christ has consecrated for us recently by the veil which is by his body and holy blood. [heb 10-20]

12 Baptism Is : Baptism is faith in Christ and his death and resurrection. Baptism is restoring the image of God for man after its absence. Baptism is the foundation of theological and spiritual knowledge in the church. Baptism is the secret for the entry into the life of the Trinity. Baptism with water is death and forgiveness by the spirit, which is resurrection and life. Baptism is a miracle in itself and is free.

13 Baptism Is : Baptism is the instrument by which the Holy Spirit works in the second birth. Through baptism stands repentance and forgiveness of sins by the authority of the death of Christ and his resurrection and the power of the Spirit of God. Baptism is acceptance and confession and a response to new life given by the Holy Spirit. Baptism is the act of joining the church. Baptism is the gift of God by the spirit, but the Holy Spirit is not received through the water of baptism. Baptism is the written deed for protection, shepherding, and care.

14 Baptism Is : Baptism is the Holy Spirit changing man from the state of dust to the heavenly state. Baptism reopens the new and living way which The LORD Jesus Christ consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His body and blood. Baptism is when a child accepts the light of the world "The LORD Christ".

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