Presentation by Dr Eureta Rosenberg

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1 Presentation by Dr Eureta Rosenberg
Why we invest in extended, system-growing professional development 27 February 2014 Presentation by Dr Eureta Rosenberg

2 Why we need extended, system-growing professional development processes
The challenges of environmentally sustainable development – enough for all forever – require society to fundamentally transform in thinking and doing.

3 Transformative learning is required by all of us, including teachers.
Why we need extended, system-growing professional development processes Transformative learning is required by all of us, including teachers.

4 Why we need extended, system-growing professional development processes
Transformative learning can happen in different ways but if professional development is to contribute to it, it requires a special model and investment.

5 How do I understand transformative learning?

6 Transformative learning …
Learning to see the world as interconnected systems – social and ecological Deeper understanding of how the world works and how it came to be like this, including one’s own thinking and practice (conscientisation) Deepening understanding of the challenges of social justice and planetary boundaries Emerging ability to see alternatives and work with others towards these

7 What does this mean for teacher development?

8 What learning outcomes for teachers?
Otto Scharmer says that transformational leaders are characterised by … Technical Competence Relational Competence Transformational Competence

9 A model for teacher professional development (not only for teachers)

10 An Extended, System-Growing Process:
Initial training of trainers – joint exploration of a new framework Collective work of HE teacher educators, DBE & environmental partners on the framework (through course materials) Teachers attend 5-day course by HE and environmental partners Follow-up course sessions; PD community of course presenters, teachers, departmental officials engage in conversation about practice A growing community of practice deepening learning and praxis

11 Why ‘extended’ and ‘system-growing’?
Transformative learning can be ‘epiphanous’ but applying new insights and crafting a new practice takes time! Reflexive – ongoing conversation between practice and thinking about practice System-growing – involving teachers, subject advisors, other officials, teacher educators, funders, partners such as environmental departments and NGOs in an expanding, strengthening system That is why we don’t promote short (one day) stand-alone courses – even if they are cheaper! Evaluation feedback indicates that teachers value this process more than the ‘road show’ style of ‘training’

12 Assessment in teacher development
Pre-Course Questionnaire Post-Course Questionnaire Reflection in CoP Portfolio of Evidence of Change Assessment is necessary to formalise and recognise learning and achievement Should not detract from learning Should recognise the type of learning that is being promoted by the course – portfolio of practice with teacher reflection Becomes an integral part of learning – but then, also requires additional time

13 Evaluation of the F4C Model:
IMPACT - Growth of the PD system for environmental learning (Pawson, ‘realistic’ evaluation of patterns of change in relation to contexts and mechanisms) CHANGE - Teaching portfolios and classroom observation of environmental education practice (Archer, Wenger et al.) LEARNING – Online pre- and post-course questionnaires RESPONSES – to courses through online feedback

14 A partnership programme for environmental learning and teacher education

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